Oh no, a collector's edition mount! TBC is ruined!

Slippery Slope logical fallacy.

That’s all you people keep repeating, is “this will lead to worse things”. Because apparently a one-time collector’s edition mount means blizz is suddenly going to implement 50+ store mounts and pets and WoW token and infinite boosts and LFR and cross-realm the next day.

But it isn’t. You can call it a collector’s editions… but those are physical items. Since everything went all digital collector’s editions died.

CE’s included digital items back in the day.

Is it required to be “physical items” to be that? I didnt know there was a set definition required for it to be that

You new players don’t know. Some of us have played for the past 2 decades and can confirm that it actually did lead to worse and worse things.

It seems like an intellectually dishonest take to say “Oh the slopes here aren’t slippery in the slightest ;)”


Yes, it is required otherwise it is just a cash shop item that can be reproduced indefinitely. Collector’s editions were physical limited items that are not recreated. Hence the COLLECTORS aspect of it.

“new players”

I’ve been playing since 2007, try again sweetie

“it happened before therefor it WILL happen again”

another logical fallacy

Have fun doomsaying about all the bad things that definitely 100% will happen, I’ll be actually enjoying the game in the meantime :slight_smile:

I mean i have a ton of digital items received across games that were part of collectors editions.

Idk if what you are saying is true…

Do you know the definition of insanity?

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Those who don’t learn from history are destined to misuse the definition of a logical fallacy as their woefully inept supporting argument.

“no you are wrong it’s not a logical fallacy!!!”

Not an argument.

My issues with retail have nothing to do with the store, so no store items have not lead to worse and worse things for me.

This too. Retail didn’t get bad because “muh store microtransactions”. If you look in retail’s store right now…it’s literally all pets and mounts, plus boost and other character services like server transfer.

Retail got bad because the GAME got bad, not because of the ingame store, lmao


In game store items have provided Blizzard with a profitable income.
This income used to be obtained by releasing and maintaining a quality product.


-The guy who defends the TBC boost

We told you this would happen. We told you introducing a paid service was just the beginning. Turns out TBC couldn’t even launch before we found out more paid services were coming.

Buckle up fam, come WoTLK launch we’re gonna have a lot more than a one time boost and a store mount.

This is round two, not round one.

You are 100% correct. They will not do that all instantaneously.

They’ll do it one at a time. And then another. And then another. And then another. Because that’s how they get people to accept it. You can’t dump all 50 changes on the playerbase at once, but if you implement it over time then people acclimate to it and accept it.


That’s not really how it works, blizzard would be more than happy to still have wrath sub counts and a store.

This isn’t a “paid service” lmfao it’s a collector’s edition mount

collector’s edition ingame stuff has been a thing from WoW’s inception

Except people aren’t going to “accept” LFR and cross-realm and infinitely-usable boosts.

The worst I see happening is we get purchasable mounts and pets. Which isn’t a problem because again, vanity items with 0 impact on gameplay. Plus we’ve already had this thing since retail TBC, with the TCG mounts/pets. And nobody whined about it being “evil microtransactions greedy cash grab” back then.

I like how you found a post of mine in a different thread, still continued not to read it, and then quote me acting like it somehow gets me in a gotcha.

Here is the part you just have missed

I have a brain. I can fully be for one specific thing, but be against another. One change doesn’t bring the next. If they didn’t want to add boost in tbc, but they wanted tokens in wotlk, they would just add tokens in wotlk. The boost doesn’t make the tokens easier.

With this logic you must be against every single little change classic has ever, ever had. So why don’t you just quit?

He is a troll there’s no use.

They would be very happy with that but having half as many players spending 4x per month on in-game shop items is as good as having double the wrath sub amount.

Even if that drop in quality due to having a cash shop means less and less players.

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