Oh my Lord Blizzard just give them one mega WoTLK server

Despite the majority if not every single poster about perm Wrath server failing to tell us WHY they should have one, I’m for it, give them one mega WotLK server.


Honestly it would work just fine. Basically merging servers but instead it’s one. The only reason it can’t be done is they don’t want to invest the cash into something that could handle the traffic. It’s just bizarre to say the least how ideas like this aren’t applied by such a large gaming company. Some of the most simple easiest ways to make money are just overlooked or ignored, and it seems like they try to fail at times.

Could have just copy pasted all three classic versions so far and it’d been better. But they just had to change stuff for god knows what reasons, like hardly anyone asked for most of the changes.

I just imagine in an alternate reality, jagex never listened to their playerbase and OSRS never came out, and instead blizzard came out with an old school world of warcraft.

How do you become such a large pioneer in an industry and then just bomb at the box office a few years later? Somehow they managed, which proves all the money in the world can’t buy common sense.


It is indeed strange why we can’t have one. There could still be a small community who would sub to stay in wrath. Guess they don’t want those players.


No, it’s not strange at all. Blizzard (Microsoft) are a profit making company. If they are not providing a server it is because the cost of running that server exceeds the benefit of a few hundred people who think they want it but will dump it over time when it becomes stale with no new content. Microsoft have the actual statistics. If they thought they could turn a decent profit the would make the server. otherwise no, they don’t care about what the players want. And no amount of begging or what you think are reasons is going to change that.


Honestly you’d say that but, Microsoft kept Age of Empires servers going for a while, and only time I saw them dump it is when they shutdown the MMO servers due to severe money loss as the game was free-to-play.


“Looks to Warmane” more like a few thousands


Give me the rights to WoW pre-WoD with 20 grand cash to host a server and in 5 years it’d be the number one MMO on the market again with no end in sight. And the best part is, the overhead would be super low, a small team for updates, and like ten interns patrolling the servers for botting. Would probably go mobile too on steam.

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Ah – if it were only that “ez” to do but I like your enthusiasm! :slight_smile:

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:

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It’s not that hard, especially with an established product. Like one wasted example would be Arcanists, a game abandoned by jagex, It could easily be a top mobile game now, years later with smart phones and 5g the way it is. But they abandoned it and finally shut down it’s servers a while back. A very simple game that was pretty fun. Way ahead of it’s time.


please blizz
ulduar phase was way too short


Mega? There will be 100 people on it tops, lol


Sure. Whatever you say. Blizzard knows the numbers. You don’t.

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all it does it eat into there margins by adding yet another service for the same subscription. people that play this game are adicts and will continue to play another version. WOTLK classic had its time, its time to move on.

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Neither do you :clown_face:

Fact is warmane has 10k players right now on a single realm, but sure a few “100”

Literally echoing the mindset of "you think you do but you don’t "


How is it going to eat into their margins if these are players playing outside of the margins ? If anything it would increase their margins because your bringing in folks from the private server community into being paying customers.

Ahhh yes the "old you think you do but you don’t " attitude

You want to move on go ahead but me and many others players don’t, same with TBC players that want to keep TBC forever


Big difference; you have to pay to play on official servers. Obviously people will not pay to play the same thing forever, but would play on a free-to-play version.


this makes me want to play wrath - so they have 1 server deployed for all? hell yeah. I wish theyd do that for all their classic realms, just make a plan:

Start with 10 servers and let people know there will never be low pop servers from the get - that the goal is always to reduce and keep topped off. Its all about expectations


It’s not a fact when there are no verifiable numbers. I trust private server numbers less than I trust ironforge for classic numbers and I don’t trust ironforge very much.

If the thieves who play for free would move to an official paid server than we should have seen the private server numbers go down significantly when wrath started and go back up when no wrath era was announced. Where’s the data that shows that? If it didn’t happen private server numbers are meaningless since it means the thieves aren’t actually willing to pay for wrath.

I’m sure that blizzard looked at the number of BC players that quit when there was no BC era and used that data when they decided not to have wrath era servers.

That’s crazy becauae Blizzard themselves seem to believe them with nostalrius, and Warmane is server that’s been out more than a decade now with the same consistent numbers.

But keep going with this, “you think you do but you don’t” mindset