Oh joy, another Horde-only Mount Questline

And yet, still no sign of the bee mount that Ion told was coming with 8.2, which Alliance players have been HOPING would be the Alliance-equivalent of Kua’fon, but they had time to make a second Horde-exclusive questline.

At this point, do the devs even know there are Alliance players in this game?


Oh, boy! Another thread by an Alliance main whining! What would we ever do without another thread based on victimhood mentality?!


Sure. It’s common practice in the games industry to write entire storylines and devote environmental resources for a faction that has no players.

Create a Horde character. Problem solved.


Maybe if Blizzard actually spent an equal amount of time developing content for both factions then there wouldn’t be said mentality.

Did it ever occur to you that when so many people have said mentality, that maybe it’s not all in our heads?


Just switch to Horde if you’re that butthurt over a single mount lol


So let me get this straight. You’re upset that Horde gets another Triceratops, (to add on to the literal dozens that are in game now) whereas Alliance has the ONLY Bee mount to EVER be added to the game coming for them? Simply because it’s taking to long to suit you?


I dunno, Azshara was made a Horde symbol on the world map. Nothing screams more of a bias in this game than that decision and for it to be accepted by the team responsible for it.

Is this confirmed? If so, I’m really excited!

I mean, you should already know this by now. Stop acting surprised that horde keeps getting all the exclusive stuff :sweat_smile:

Cheers for this. Everybody complains about the god damned horses, but there’s only three of them. Sure, we’re getting gryphon recolors, but y’all are getting pterrodax recolors, which are just three effortless reskins like ours.

This is just an aggregated meme created by a problem that hasn’t existed since late 8.0.


It isn’t official that it’s Alliance only. I assume not because again, ONLY Bee mount in the game.

PS: @OP htt ps://www.wowhead.com/npc=69769/zandalari-warbringer
Have fun, already in game waiting for you, and they look WAY better IMO.

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I might, might be able to be slightly annoyed if it wasn’t just a recolor. But it is, so I don’t care.

Bee mount will probably be out in blizz store or sold in game at an outrageous amount of gold

OP is there anything you haven’t complained about? I don’t even know why you are still playing, sounds like you are forcing yourself to play something you don’t enjoy.

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Ion: The bee mount is Alliance-only.
Players: Why? WTF?
Ion: It comes from Stormsong Valley, an Alliance zone!
Players: The Horde invaded Stormsong Valley months ago.

2 weeks later

Bee Mount Flavor Text: This gigantic bee only appreciates the aroma of those who’ve aligned themselves with the Kul Tirans and despises the color red for [insert made-up lore reason here].

Yeah i know. Still i’ll believe it when i see it.

Yay. A bland pterrodax with a long drawn out quest line attached to it. I’m quivering with anticipation.

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When will the Alliance receive your new horse?:clown_face:

Did we need two of these?

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