Oh joy, another Horde-only Mount Questline

Lol…believe it or not I heard we were suppose to have Copper as a horse by raising it or something. I imagine the backlash from the horse meme made them scrap that idea.

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definitely yes considering the threads keep happening

I think we all know that the developers won’t let that happen.

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A crippled ptterodax that cannot fly. I still love him though.

Don’t lie, you clipped him didn’t you? Monster :frowning:

Quite the opposite, the quest requires you to make fake wings and armor for him. Still not enough to help him fly.

Yeah… my comment was a joke, guess I’ll go have fun somewhere else.

I hope the bee is just like Kua’fon and can’t fly either :wink:

Oh no, horde get a mount that you can literally get 4x’s in mists of pandaria by flying around. :roll_eyes:

It’s just so fun playing horde…where we have to deal with the alliance getting free heroic ilvl raiding gear for 8 weeks straight and do half as much work to get the same gold, XP, AP, etc.

Alliance too busy killing the local wildlife instead of cultivating it.
If they spent more time raising the vulnerable species and gaining their trust they would get more mounts.

Also just be reminded that these mounts will be redundant in a few weeks, both Child of Torcali and Kua’fon don’t fly so they have a lot less life expectancy than an awesome Bee that can fly and will be used by many players for many more expansions.

How about a new horse?

You know what i’m more butthurt about and rightfully so!? The fact that every single mount and pet ingame was visually updated except for our Alliance Silver Covenant High Elven mounts. Something I busted my butt off for many weeks to get.

Laughs in drake mounts

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Excuse me? Drakes are a completely different model. Horses and Hypogrpyhs were updated, so I see no reason why the Quel’dorei steed and the Silver Covenant Hypo was not updated.

You didnt specify, friend. You just said

You didnt specify horse mounts

you can get exactly same but blue in pandaria raid

The Quel’Dorei steed uses a horse rig. So seeing ALL horses were updated why was the steed not updated as well? Same thing with Hypigrpyh. All Hypi’s were updated, so why not the SC Hypi?

Also these are mounts that people invest time in to unlock. These should have been updated first. These mounts are locker behind reputation and daily’s grind. There is no logic here to why they felt not the need to update them.

They werent, the other Argent Horses werent updated

Same as above

Also neither were the BC Hippos or Talbuk mounts that use the same model (though they got a new version in draenor)

Also the Firelands Hippo wasnt updated.

There was also an old model Hippo mount in Legion

Not everything is going to be updated. Sorry.

Why not? Why is it so hard to update them? They arent using vastly different 3d models from the regular horse and hyppogryph rig. These are rep/daily mounts, people spend time to get them. This is a slap in the face to people who spent their time to get them.

These are not some random mounts. People invest time to get them. Overall almost all mounts were updated so I see no reason why these rep mounts should not be updated. I bet it would only take 1 hour tops for a character/mount 3d artist to update. I mean, are you really trying to say adding 2 horns to the already updated horse rig is too difficult?