Ogres for the Horde, Furbolgs for the Alliance

cool, but this thread is for big bear people that eats up fish people :stuck_out_tongue:

Ogres for the Alliance.

Alliance players are the ones who keep requesting them. Fine. YOU take them.

They have fur on top of their scales.

We have these as customizations.

I would.


No fur here…

Are we getting 2 headed ogres as an option with this?

All of that is fur.

Yes. and one-eye ogres too.

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Nope, this would be yet another slap to the Alliance.

That is not fur. If anything that is close to frog skin. Your nuts if you think that’s fur at all.

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Always happy to see others supporting Ogres as a playable Horde race. Horde Ogres are one of my most wanted playable races, so I very much support that. Furbolgs would also make a great Alliance race, so I fully support that as well.

If anyone is interested, I do operate the Stonemaul Ogre Megathread, where we support playable Horde Ogres, show off ideas and concepts, and have ongoing discussions on them. You can see it here if you’re interested in checking it out:

Playable Horde Ogres have been a dream of mine since I started playing WoW shortly after BC was released. Still hoping to see it become a reality someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Furbolg suck, ogres are good tho.

It’s not TBC anymore, trash mob races aren’t in high demand. They chose to give the Horde goblins over ogres in Cataclysm because it was too hard to design female models for the latter, so more than likely they’ll never be playable, at least without a massive push comparable to the one that got void elves blood/high elf options. And with furbolgs, they haven’t even bothered to give them HD models yet. Like Astre said, they should keep their focus on adding new options to the 23 races we already have.

People stuck in 2005, clearly.

We already have these as options for existing Alliance races. No more MS Paint reskins.

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I want them as an allied race not as a skin

wildhammers really did get shafted. I still hope a sub race system get’s put in the game make them there own race proper.

Made a thread for model toggles/sub races here;


Everyone knows it’s fur.

Says the person playing a gnome.

No more slot wasting with subraces for us.

I don’t care. Blizzard went out of their way to roll these two races’ customizations into existing races because clearly, they realized that they weren’t interesting enough on their own. Since they’re already customizations, there’s absolutely no chance of Blizzard suddenly deciding to make them their own thing now.

And with that, my contempt for your request for this banal garbage that was only popular over a decade ago has skyrocketed.

It’s a good thing you don’t speak for the horde.

Blizzard will know that, we must never lose hope, and never stop with our requests, from TBC that people asked for high elves and these years great advances were made with hair color and skin in the Void Elfs, but still more is needed, so we must not stop, one day we will be heard.

Quoting That One Guy Who Loves Ogres doesn’t change that it’s Alliance players who keep requesting it.

Horde already has had to deal with a race that can’t fit through doors and gets murdered by the old Undercity elevators. We don’t need another.

Or as somebody else once beautifully put it, “The last thing the Horde needs, as the faction stereotyped as being big, dumb, and ugly, is to have the biggest, dumbest, ugliest race of all added to our ranks.”

Alliance should get Tauren (we kick out the Lightforged Draenei and Turalyon with them).

Horde can get Ogres :slight_smile:


In a barbecue.