Ogres for horde, Furbolgs for alliance



My thoughts are no different than the many, many other times that people have suggested/asked for playable Ogres.

They be ugly. I mean big, rotund, ugly. I would rather play an Orc than an Ogre, and they wouldn’t be huge like the NPCs, they’d almost certainly be around Orc-sized. So if you want to play something about Orc size, play an Orc?


I mean, that’s the point. Just being big and ugly

And nah they’d be Dracthyr/Zandy tall, way taller than orc

Says the off-brand Bride of Chucky doll.


They could be Tauren sized, and no, Ogres > Orcs. Also there would be different racials, dances, /flirts, etc


:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: rood!


Alliance should get Murlocs since Goldshire is nearby a lake full of them, except on the Moonguard server where the Murlocs know better not to step foot near Goldshire.

Playable Ogres sound possible as Ogrezonia has been unexplored. Would be fun to encounter other Ogre variations such as three headed Ogres and see updated Juggernauts-- that would make them a threat to venture against. :world_map::robot:

Cautious on Furbolgs as Night Elves might consume their exposure similar to Dracthyr and the Dragons so far.

…a crazy suggestion is the Bunnymen of Bunny Island for the Alliance. Borrowing the Japanese culture and myths due to their Rabbit Island.


I never notice my tongue’s wet until i think about it

They had an adorable personality. :heart_hands: :robot:

Two heads can make them stand out.

So in other words alliance gets shafted on races again?

All races for all factions.

No way Blizzard would make them two headed. The two heads are meant to be two personalities and we’re just one…well I am, anyhow.

But na, they don’t appeal to me at all. Then again, I don’t get to pick what races Blizzard introduces, so what do I know.

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I’m all for the Horde getting Ogres, especially if they can include Outland’s Ogri’la Ogres so the Horde isn’t stuck with the, “Fart first, ask questions never,” brand we’re all too familiar with. The Ogri’la provide a nice contrast to the Gorian Empire as well, given their more enlightened nature.

Furbolgs for the Alliance? I’ll pass. Saberon? I’d take that. Pretty sure there’d be a lot of players ticked off if Sethrak weren’t made playable though, so… how about we add them as neutral while we’re at it? They make way more sense Horde, but at this point, if the Horde got Vulpera and Sethrak, I think people might riot. The world is on fire, I don’t need the internet on fire at the same time.

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Well, there are Worgen Tiger Trolls known as Tigons. That would work as a Horde race. :robot::+1:

Firstly, the plural of Tigon, is Tigon. Same as the plural of Worgen, is Worgen.

Secondly, only the High Priests of Shrivallah/Bethek got those forms. So… I dunno. They’d still probably outnumber Void Elves.

Thirdly, Saberon are more or less the same thing. Add them to the Alliance.

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Dryads would be better.

Might be too similar to Worgen for the Alliance community to enjoy. :robot::sweat_drops:

Oh, didn’t realize I was saying that wrong. That would explain the demon. :imp::broom::robot:

You must give it cookies to satiate it’s craving for flesh! Although, you’re a Mechagnome so… maybe you don’t need to worry?

I mean, Worgen are cursed humans. Saberon are cat people from another world. I think they could provide an interesting contrast to the Worgen. The Worgen are humans whom struggle against primal instincts to cling to their humanity. The Saberon could be beasts moving past their primal instincts to embrace civilization.

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Saberon are more of a shoe-in for the Horde personally, rather than Alliance.

This is because the counterpart to the Saberon are the Arakkoa, who did help the Alliance a small bit in Outland and absolutely got more Alliance vibes to them than Horde