We have been asking for Ogres to be a playable race since Vanilla. They were supposed to be a race of horde but i guess it got scrapped back in the day.
I want Ogres on the Alliance.
The look on the Horde’s faces would be priceless.
Yeah totes alliance race now man. Yall got Helfs for 10 years, yall gotta wait 10 years and then you can get Ogres but theyll be like Rainbow Ogres or Fel Ogres.
Then when the horde QQ’s enough yall can get regular Ogre skins through the barbershop.
Giving Ogres to the Alliance will make the horde player brains go off like alliance playerr when blizzard gave retcon bloodelfs to the horde
Just for the lol ; but for real i prefer vrykuls.
They were considered for Cataclysm and allegedly considered both for Vanilla and for WoD. Seems like they always get the short end of the stick.
Still, I’m hopeful we’ll see playable Horde Ogres someday. Dream big, Ogre fans!
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