12/12/2017 11:54 AMPosted by
Ogres are a big part of World of Warcraft they already have the model for it. Are the highmaul ogres just going to sit around or will they join the fight? Please make ogres a playable race.
Murloc are a big part of World of Warcraft they already have the model for it. Are the dark shores Murloc just going to sit around or will they join the fight? Please make Murloc a playable race.
i'd rather have murlocs as a playable race
inb4 Orges one day get added and Alliance cry Horde bias because they got Void Elves.
I love Ren'dorei and can't stand Ogres. This sounds like an ideal scenario to me.
Still is disgusting how blizzard managed to put another elf on the Horde first than Ogres, baffle me. With context the Allied races they have no excuse to make then playable
Because not everyone wants to be a fat, smelly, ugly ogre. Some of us want to play Horde but don't necessarily care to be hunchbacked, brutish, repulsive, and/or a half-rotted race.
Having said that, yes, some people love being a more monstrous race. I'm glad that people have that option. It's all about having available choices... which you seem to think only yours is the valid one.
This is ridiculous in every sense.
We got Blood Elves to appease the Horde player base that wanted this.
Did they fit in lore wise at the time they were introduced? NO!
They made no sense at all. Blizzard had to do a lot of fanagleing to make them work, lore wise.
They were introduced to balance the factions, to make people like you happy.
They were introduced before a race that was part of the Orcish Horde. A race that was with the Orcs during the raid on Shattrath. Before the first war.
They introduced blood elves before Ogres, a race that was playable to gamers in Warcraft 2.
They introduced blood elves to us before they introduced Ogres, despite the fact we have 2 Ogre clans (And one half ogre) still active in the Horde.
Fine. We get it.
Finally time for Ogres right?
We get a new elf race. A race that was unknown to us before legion. A race that has no history.
Ya know what? Fine. If that's what it takes.
But to STILL have people on here complaining that Ogres aren't aesthetically pleasing enough to warrant them?
As far as I'm concerned those who still complain can take a pogo stick made of the pretty skinned faces of all your pretty little races and jump into a pit of whale crap.
You got yours. Now give us ours.
Because not everyone wants to be a fat, smelly, ugly ogre. Some of us want to play Horde but don't necessarily care to be hunchbacked, brutish, repulsive, and/or a half-rotted race.
then the horde is not for you, go away
you already have you puny pretty elf, play then, let the horde be and feel like the horde
Having said that, yes, some people love being a more monstrous race. I'm glad that people have that option. It's all about having available choices... which you seem to think only yours is the valid one.
yes, because ogres are waiting for 13+ years and this crack addict elves are what, 2 year old at beast and are already playable? to hell
We got Blood Elves to appease the Horde player base that wanted this.
No, we got BE for the Alliance players to try and get them to play horde.
Finally time for Ogres right?
Because they are just reskins and take far less development time vs. a brand new playable race.
12/12/2017 04:24 PMPosted by
We got Blood Elves to appease the Horde player base that wanted this.
No, we got BE for the Alliance players to try and get them to play horde.
Finally time for Ogres right?
Because they are just reskins and take far less development time vs. a brand new playable race.
And Developers said pre cata release that they want to do Ogres one day.
plenty of time.
12/12/2017 04:24 PMPosted by
No, we got BE for the Alliance players to try and get them to play horde.
Because they are just reskins and take far less development time vs. a brand new playable race.
And Developers said pre cata release that they want to do Ogres one day.
That's plenty of time.
Your priorities are not everyone else's.
12/12/2017 04:33 PMPosted by
And Developers said pre cata release that they want to do Ogres one day.
That's plenty of time.
Your priorities are not everyone else's.
Do ya think I'd make so many Ogre threads if I wasn't painfully aware of that?
If ogres became playable I would hope they can stick goblins on their shoulders like a mount.
12/12/2017 04:24 PMPosted by
Because they are just reskins and take far less development time vs. a brand new playable race.
yeah, um, zandalari have brand new model with the night elf base model
Ogre already have a skeleton and a model, it not that hard how you guys think it is
12/12/2017 04:33 PMPosted by
Your priorities are not everyone else's.
yeah thats why they are the last in the line to be playable? so, if they already add more elves, more dumb races, what about give the horde ogre then, after this, think about other races? seems pretty fair since, again, we are waiting for 13 years
12/12/2017 01:51 PMPosted by
My complaint about Ogres is that unless we go Highmaul, we're going to get "Basically Orcs BUT REAL TALL-LIKE AND ALSO A LOT DUMBER" with their Orcish-esque culture and whatnot. Obviously some differences, but nooot a lot.
I supported the swap of Goblins instead of Ogres because of Goblins and their exaggeration and parody of western culture/capitalism and whatnot. It was funny, unique from other races, and gave us some fun little green men to add to our rosters. Ogres... well, excluding Highmaul (to my knowledge, anyway) it would bring... a tribal-esque group all about strength. Because the Horde definitely didn't have that already.
I'd so be up for Highmaul, though. Highmaul are cool as hell.
Maybe Allied Races will bring in Ogres, I wouldn't really be unhappy about that. That'd be neato.
It doesn't have to be. The main reason ogres are dumb is because the leadership kept them that way. You had the high class ruleing over the rest. The outland versions are degraded due to losing all leadership and being enslaved by the orcs. They have lost everything and were pushed back into the stone ages. We have learned that Apex crystals are information vaults they were pumping arcane information into their skulls in Ogri'la. (WoD information) Gul'dan did create two headed ogres with the blood elves defensive stones to accelerate the process of intelligence but one headed can be just as smart.
The stonemaul clan could easily be taught just like any other race with enough time. Or we could pump information into them with Apex crystals or just recruit the Ogri'la clan. If we really wanted the Draenor ogres the same could be applied. Ogres are not dumb in warcraft if it wasn't for them trying to subjugate Draenors extremely powerful elmentals the orcs wouldn't have ever risen to power. (Orcs ask the elmentals to destroy the ogre Capital.)
You mention goblins. They are an extremely dumb race in lore. The only reason they gained any sort of advantage was because of kaja'mite ore(Personal theory it could be similar to Azeroite we are getting in BfA).
Overall blizzard could pull lots of Lore out of their butts to make ogres an equal race in the horde.
If making Ogres a playable race gets me a tailoring pattern for a wearable ogre loincloth...
I'm sold!
I'll just leave this here as an example that ogre women don't necessarily have to be fat and ugly.
12/12/2017 01:51 PMPosted by
My complaint about Ogres is that unless we go Highmaul, we're going to get "Basically Orcs BUT REAL TALL-LIKE AND ALSO A LOT DUMBER" with their Orcish-esque culture and whatnot. Obviously some differences, but nooot a lot.
I supported the swap of Goblins instead of Ogres because of Goblins and their exaggeration and parody of western culture/capitalism and whatnot. It was funny, unique from other races, and gave us some fun little green men to add to our rosters. Ogres... well, excluding Highmaul (to my knowledge, anyway) it would bring... a tribal-esque group all about strength. Because the Horde definitely didn't have that already.
I'd so be up for Highmaul, though. Highmaul are cool as hell.
Maybe Allied Races will bring in Ogres, I wouldn't really be unhappy about that. That'd be neato.
Eh, did you not spend countless hours griniding Ogri'la reputation back in TBC?
Highmaul clan is not the only intelligent ogres. In fact, Ogri'la is likely the most prominent intelligent Ogres in the game.
I think the ship on playable Ogres sailed around Alpha. When they never went through with them, they built the game around PCs being a certain size. And, 13 years on, there's just a massive amount of work that'd need to be done for what's honestly very little payoff in terms of customers gained or retained.
It'd be cool, sure. And they probably should've been there the entire time, as major a part of the Horde as they've always been.
But I just don't see it happening.
Maybe if there's ever a World of Warcraft II, but ... well, MMOs don't have a great track record with sequels.
They are awaiting to release them with High Elves!
We deserve to have ogres, every point for it has been made.
I'd love to see ogres in WoW. But instead we get more elves and other wimpy races.