Officially 6 months into 8.3 Tomorrow

We decided to take a break, Uldir wasn’t a fun raid and Azerite was really bad at that point.

I took a full year off of sub myself. I think most of them just have no desire to play BfA lol.

But all 20 are coming back for SL.

Yeah… I just took a peak at the OP’s achievements and it seems to be there’s a lot to do.

Btw, it’s fine if you won’t want to do it but don’t say there’s nothing.


well… I’m going to kill mythic n’zoth this week, very likely on tuesday. Then there’s farming for gear for reasons. m+ to push, maybe I’ll finally finish the pvp pet battle achieves, and there’s the Nya meta achieve I haven’t done yet, plus still some mounts from IE’s…

so there’s still something to do. There’s always something to do, you just don’t want to do it.

which is ok, but… the claim “there’s nothing to do” is just not accurate.


You’re 445 ilvl what do you mean there’s nothing to do? There’s plenty for you to do

It’s like that time one’s of the blues destroyed someone in the forums, think it was the yak, because they didn’t actually do any content but complained that there was nothing to do lol.

it’s probably the densest patch they’ve ever had … it’s had casual updates, like adding a corruption vendor, that were more significant than entire patches in previous xpacs.

Personally I can’t keep up with everything there is to do (mostly with regard to collecting echoes to buy corruption), assaults, visions, daily vision, emissaries, 1 weekly m+, pvp cap, raiding) just on my main character. I just kill N’Zoth for weekly guild mounts, do one daily vision a week, the main assault, maybe half of the emissaries, and I had been semi keeping up with a few alts but have dropped them to minimal play (usually just a weekly m+ and the main assault on a couple of them).

I don’t keep up with battle pet things, but didn’t they even add something major for that?

If you think there’s nothing to do right now then you really just are choosing to not play the content that everyone else is playing and should probably find a more specific comment / request in order to be heard, like saying that you want transmog content or whatever else specifically you’d be interested in.