Go read and sign if you agree!
Let’s get some support for those that love Classic and don’t plan to play TBC or eternal Naxx.
Go read and sign if you agree!
Let’s get some support for those that love Classic and don’t plan to play TBC or eternal Naxx.
Probably not going to happen, there is no point in Blizzard making fresh servers until after TBC launch when they can get the same players to resub twice (once for TBC, later again for fresh) instead of once.
I don’t think the players looking for fresh Classic are the same looking for TBC.
There is 100% at least some overlap between people who would want to play TBC and also want to play fresh classic. It does seem very likely that we get fresh classic after TBC from what has been said.
Likely yes, but this petition is for those that only want to play fresh Classic, I’ll let the TBC crowd decide what they want for themselves.
Your argument is wrong because the cycle further down the line would just be competing with WoTLK Classic.
The reason they are not doing this is because more people will play the old game than the new game and Activision will then fire the devs and restructure WoW without their new cool fun ideas
They aren’t just going to keep porting expansions forever, and they really did seem to indicate they were maybe looking into fresh for after TBC has already launched.
IMO we will likely see: TBC Classic -> Classic Fresh -> WotLK Classic -> cycle of fresh servers for a long time instead of just continuing to port expansions.
They could. If they designed the game to be level 1-cap in the expansion, then transfer to expansion servers.
If they develop the infrastructure cheap now to port TBC/Wotlk there is no reason not to do it to all their projects just to set an industry standard of what a competent legacy company does.
Nerf dungeon boosting first or it’s all for nothing.
I’m not against changes to boosting (I don’t have ideas on how to fix this), but I fully disagree that it makes fresh not enjoyable now that we’ve finished classic’s content phases. Boosting isn’t really prevalent in the first few months, nobody has the gold yet to pay people. Boosting is largely for alts not mains. I don’t like boosting as it stands, but it doesn’t make the game not worth playing by any stretch of the imagination.
Some things will be fixed though on launch, namely raid group dungeon farming XP, that alone makes it a more fun release.
What makes it official?
Nor interested in Perma Classic Servers, either.
That being said, what is “fresh”?
Seasonal/fresh are essentially the same thing. Only thing that is really required for fresh is that it’s new servers with it not being possible to move progress from other (non fresh) servers over to it.
How characters are handled after would not be a determiner in whether ppl consider it fresh or impact how much ppl are interesting in playing very much but the most standard route used in other games is letting there be a one way transfer from seasonal -> permanent servers.
The only thing kind of iffy about that in classic WoW is something dumb like letting more people have the AQ mount in permanent servers.
The whopping 7 people that have signed it I guess.
Puts gold cap in OP’s account
1 day later…
Petition taken down by OP
Give it time, maybe I’m the only one that feels like this and nobody signs, then I guess I’m in a very small crowd, but I don’t feel I am.
that just dump me as wow player i will never touch tbc i dont think ppl know what are getting in but have fun in tbc
You can still play classic, just probably won’t be a fresh server for a while.
just because you petition it dosent mean it will work you do realize that right.
tho id love to see it happen , not that i would play it , but just because i know it would make more people happy still blizz is set in its ways and need to always fall crotch first onto the minefield that is its customers rage.
more signatures go!