Official Moon Guard RP Events Calendar 2018

Three more Alliance events for the list! Cooking Class #4 (17 April), Wheels Up and Rolling! Caravan Time (April 14), and "In the Shadow of the Light" RP Campaign (starting April 14).

They're coming up soon! Don't miss out.
I've updated the calendar but I don't have any new events except for The Sisterhood, Kaldorei Priestess RP event - which is coming up soon, but I don't have any details.

Contact Astahra if you're interested!
The Sisterhood event will be Saturday at 8pm in the temple in Darnassus, it's for Kaldorei(sorry XD)

The Celestial Accord meeting is Friday at 8pm server time Forest Song, Ashenvale. :)
Awesome, thank you Astahra! Both of those events are now in the calendar.
hey there. alliance side, we have a traveling market happening!
DATE: saturday, may 19
TITLE: Duskrose Wandering Market
TIME/LOCATION: 7 pm, Thundermar, Twilight Highlands
TYPE: Market
CONTACT: GreƔves or greaves#5698 on discord.
ADD-ONS: listener is advised!
Hey Greaves, I've added the "Duskrose Wandering Market" to the calendar. Thank you so much for posting, it makes my job WAAAAY easier :D
no problem! thank you for keeping such a great calendar :)
Alliance side
DATE: Tuesday May 8th
TITLE: Cooking Class #6
TIME/LOCATION: 8:30 PM, Stormwind, Teaspoon (large building near the embassy)
TYPE: Class
CONTACT: Nesima in game or Nesima Jones#0037
I have added in the latest cooking class. Sounds like these are going well!

I also moved stuff around to look a bit tidier.
Horde side:
Corta has the "King of the Ring" d20 battle event coming up this Wednesday, April 25th.

I've also added the Rolling Keg, a tavern event in Zangarmarsh on April 28.

My own event, a goblin lore expedition to the Sludge Fen, will be on Friday May 4.

Alliance side:
Kaldorei Initiative has prepared a survey to try to get some walk-up RP happening in Darnassus again. Check out their discord if you'd like to have your say!
Desert Ball
9PM Realm Time, Vortex Pinnacle

A fun social event to meet people, hosted by your local Stormwind Baked Goods! Meet people, bring friends, dance the night away with your loved ones! We will be serving drinks and food all night, all desert themed! We will also have dance performances. Come dressed formally, but still try to hit our desert theme, like with Ahn' Quiraj robes or something along those lines. Come and check it out for yourself! We host events every weekend, interested in staying up to date? Check out our Tumblr!

Message me through WoW (Eleaira) or message our Tumblr, as provided above.
If you need the information again or need the location as shown on a map, just visit our Tumblr above!

No add-ons required, but most would prefer MRP or TRP3 during RP events.
DATE: April 27
TITLE: The Raventhorne Caravan
TIME/LOCATION: 7pm server - Just outside SW front gates
TYPE: Divination, Pet Battles, PvP Roll Battles, Other oddities and wares
CONTACT: Bloodcypher, Phront, Rhyedon
The calendar has been updated to include the following events:

"The Raventhorne Caravan" added for April 27
"Desert Ball" added for April 28

"The Black March" added for May 25-27.
Just updated to include my Horde transmog. competition event "The Glitz Alley Garment Showcase (G.A.G.S.) on June 2.

Have I missed any others?
Hi all, I've updated the calendar so that we're current for the month of May.

I've updated the location change for the Alliance SW Weekly Market.

If you are running a recurring event, please remember to advertize so that I know your event is still running!. If I do not see any posts on discord or forums, I will assume your event has been discontinued.
Added in the Horde event "A Spellcaster's Summons", which will take place on Fri May 18 in Silvermoon City.

Also, the Alliance event "Hearthstone Tournament" will be run by Kaceys on May 25 at 9pm. She will be running "The Arena" as well on June 23.

Another Alliance event "The Black Market" will be happening on May 10-12 at Darkmoon Faire.
Join Stormwind Baked Goods for the Spring Balloon Festival, May 12th at 9PM at the Moguā€™shan Terrace in Kun-Lai Summit! We will be offering food, fun and entertainment, dress festive and bring your friends, all are welcome! (RP Event, Cal inv)

Date: May 12th
Title: Spring Balloon Festival Event
Time/Location: 9PM Mogu'shan Terrace in Kun-Lai Summit
Type: A social event to talk to people and meet new friends. Food, entertainment and fun will be provided! Dress festive!
Contact: Eleaira
The forum has been updated! Thank you for your post Eleaira :D

Two new events for May 12 - Alliance "Spring Balloon Festival" starting at 9pm, and Horde "Evening Dock Splash" starting at 7pm.

Thank you for your continued use of the calendar!

I've updated the dates for Black March to 22-24 May.

Added in the weekly Bar Night at the Wyvern's Tail, which is Mondays 6pm, run by Endswell of Flashbang Exports.


New posting for Kaldorei Priestess RP coming up on Sun May 20.

Also Silver Hand Tournament (for paladins) on May 30, hosted by McTash.
Title: 'Food Faire' RP Event <A>
Date: Saturday, June 23rd
Time/Location: 8p realm time at Lakeshire
Type: RP event, festival, cooking and eating
Contact: Mailang
Add-Ons: RP add-ons recommended but not required (TRP3, MRP, etc.)