Official Moon Guard RP Events Calendar 2018

DATE: March 23rd [9PM] & April 27th [9PM]
TITLE: Hearthstone Tournament
TIME/LOCATION: 9 Pm Server / Garrirson [Summons included] [Will have to be in the same group]
TYPE: Hearthstone Tournament [IC]
ADD-ONS: None required.
Calendar updated for the Hearthstone Tournament! Good luck with it all Kaceys, and with your new guild :D
DATE: April 21st
TITLE: The Arena, 2v2 Sparring
TIME/LOCATION: 8 pm, Dire Maul, Feralas
TYPE: 2v2 RP Sparring

Even moar :D
Calendar updated to include "The Arena" on April 21, and the "Tea Garden" on April 16 - both Alliance events.

I've also posted the new date for the next "Horde Guild Expo" which will be April 20 - I hope to see lots of guilds once again! Great job today.

EDIT: Also added the [A] Unbroken RP campaign, which is happening TONIGHT March 17 at 8pm. Sorry this was posted on discord a week ago, but it slipped under my radar.
No new events to post, guys. There was a Horde Union meeting, but I didn't catch word of it until after it had taken place, so maybe next month!

Event activity does seem to peak in the weekends and die off during the week. What does everyone think of this trend? Should we be trying to spread things out more?
Cancel that. Things happen fast around here. The Knights of Brill will be hosting a liturgy on March 26th, and Thru'mok continues part two of his war stomp training on April 7th.

Still looking for more Alliance events though!
Fae's Fighting Flatlands is up April 9th! I also added a couple of my own goblin-themed events - Smeed's Dilemma on March 30th, and a goblin lore expedition on April 6th. Rock on!
Blood Maul, an Alliance Vs Horde RP-PvP is on April 6-8. Lots of people are super-excited about this one!
Calendar updated! Sorry it got a bit lax, I've been busy at work this week.

Please let me know if any of these re-occurring events are no longer happening.

Corta's Month's End Brawl on Fri 30 March at 8pm!
Updated to include Kacey's Manor Night event, May 31.
I've tidied things up so that April is at the top of the list and everything is looking snazzy.

Please bump your forums posts if you have a regular event so that I know it is still happening. If there has been no activity or announcements, I will assume the event is no longer running.
Updated the Blood Maul RP-PvP event starting on April 6. It will begin at 8pm, with folks getting ready for action from 7pm.
I've added in the Celestial Accord meeting on April 6 and the Lithurgy of Damnation on April 10. Good work guys!

EDIT: The Celestial Accord meeting has been pushed back to the 20 April - clash with the RP-PvP event!
Mirchea has added a new Horde and neutral community events calendar on the Unified Horde discord.

Thru'mok's war chant training tonight has been moved back from 6pm to 5pm to negate an event clash.

[H} "Tea Time" has been added as a weekly event on Fridays at 3pm.

The Blood Maul RP-PvP event had a massive turn-out, apparently 300 people across both factions! The action continues Sat and Sun.
[H] Lithurgy of Damnation has had a date change, from Tues 10 April to Sun 15 April, still starting at 8pm.
DATE: April 13
TITLE: The Raventhorne Caravan
TIME/LOCATION: 6pm server - West side of Lion's Rest (The Park)
TYPE: Divination, Pet Battles, PvP Roll Battles, Other oddities and wares
CONTACT: Bloodcypher, Phront
Thank you Bloodcypher!

The Raventhorne Caravan (April 13) and The Horde Tavern Night (April 17) have been added to the calendar.

EDIT: Also added [H] Booty Bay Bar Night - April 14!
In other news, WrA is trying to create a similar thread to this one. They say mimicry is the highest form of flattery, right?


Then again, it could just be a coincidence.
Added [H] Hillsbrad Hunt Sat 14 April.

The RP-PvP server campaign "The Banshee's Gamble" May 8-18 is now listed as well.
Added two Alliance events:

Muscles, Magic and Minds - April 20
Story Time at Aerie Peak - May 5