Official Moon Guard RP Events Calendar 2018

A few announcements.

"Hold the Line" RP campaign on Feb 26 has been postponed (new dates to be announced).

Thru'mok's chant training (which I thought was last Saturday, was actually this Saturday) - has now been cancelled anyway, due to RL stuff.

I've also removed the "Supa Smash Bruddas" on Feb 25 which seems to have been replaced by the "Crimson Vanguard" on March 11.

The "Horde Feast" on March 10 has changed its name to "Feast of Seasons".

I'll try to keep everyone posted as much I can.
DATE: April 1 - 15
TITLE: Scorched Earth Policy
TIME/LOCATION: 8 pm most evenings (though flexible to the party's needs); location varies
TYPE: Campaign (D20)
CONTACT: Jeremaias
ADD-ONS: TRP3 and Elephant recommended

And thank you for this amazing thread!
Hi Jeremaias. Thank you so much!! I do need the support to keep this thing going.

I have added your RP campaign - it looks great. Your formatting made my job much easier. It is much appreciated.

I did a bit of a general tidy up. Events for February are now finished. On to March!

EDIT: Also added the Marmotball League on Fri 2 March.
Added New Events!

Horde - The Bamboo Fishing Derby (March 3)

Alliance - Stormwind Job Faire (March 31)

Horde - The Gizelton Grand Prix (April 14)
DATE: 5/28/18 (U.S. Memorial Day)
TITLE: [N] ✨Motorbike Memorial Ride-A-Thon✨
TIME/LOCATION: 7:00PM MG realm time (that's 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST / Midnight GMT)
TYPE: ride; celebration
CONTACT: Nyctomonger#1908 (Githnji)
ADD-ONS: None required

Moon Guard's Motorbike Memorial Ride-A-Thon is an annual event open to the public for both Alliance and Horde! This is an event in which people gather and ride motorbikes across the length the Eastern Kingdoms in memorial to fallen soldiers and an excuse to have a good time!
DATE: March 3rd 2018

TITLE: Lunar Festival Party

TIME/LOCATION: 10pm in the Brawler's guild @ Deeprun Tram

TYPE: DJ Max will be playing the best Aggrotech Industrial techno a gnome has ever made

CONTACT: Maximillias, Eleaira, or anyone from "Stormwind Baked Goods."

LINK: Website to access music will be posted in yells during the party

ADD-ONS: none required.
Githnji! Fabulous event. I came last year on another character and had a ball.

Maximillias! You just saved me the trouble of formatting your awesome event, thanks!! I hope you have a raging time :D

Also, calendar updated for these two posts!

I have moved things around a bit because scrolling through the past events was a pain in the butt.
DATE: March 6 - 7
TITLE: Pilgrimage to Forest Song
TIME/LOCATION: 8 pm, gathering in Astranaar
TYPE: IC ride, lesson about lore
CONTACT: Jeremaias
ADD-ONS: None needed
Updated fro the Pilgrimage to Forest Song (March 6-7) and also the Khaz Modan Festival (March 24). Both Alliance events.

Good job people!
Guys, just a couple of updates for event locations for Horde.

Stormblade Clan's 13th birthday (Sunday March 3) will be held at Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens.

The Grand Bazaar (Friday March 9) will be at Thunder Bluff.
No new events to post, or updates. I'm just adding in this note so you fellas don't think I'm slacking on my duties or something. 'Cos I'm not!
The night elves (and other races) of Unbroken continue their RP campaign in Feralas on March 8!
OP, Can I contact you off the forums? I have a couple questions!

P.s. I love this.
I am Aquillorae, the OP. I just got shorter. You're welcome to contact me through Battletag: Nexus#1943

Thanks for the support, Samiriah!
The Darkmoon Faire Music Festival starts tonight!

Also, added the Horde Guild Expo on March 16.
Calendar updated!

We need some more events happening. Who has things planned?
Can you change my Occult faire to not an annual event, I host 3 of these a year :) Thank you for all your work!
Sure thing, Mirrielyanna! Thanks for the correction.
Update time!

...okay, I got nothing.

Let me know if I've missed your event that's coming up and it needs to be posted.

EDIT: I remembered that the [H} Grand Bazaar have decided on their venue for their April event - it's in Gadgetzan.

I'm not sure when the next Crimson Vanguard RP/PvP event is, though it seems to be a monthly thing. I had a scroll through the discord and forum thread but couldn't find any updates. If you know, tell me!
The Horde Outland Tournaments has been moved from 17th March to 24th March to avoid conflict with other events. Note: The Earthen Ring has NOT been moved, and will still be on the 17th March, starting at 9pm.

I've also posted the Alliance server campaign "Reunification of Stromgarde" which is happening in July.