Official Moon Guard RP Events Calendar 2018

The next Outland Tournament will be in Auchindoun, Terokkar Forest.
Roger that, Jim. Updated post!
A massive storm has knocked out power and internet at my house, but I am here at a cafe still doing my thing.

Added two new events from Celestial Accord (Feb 25) and Eastern Kingdoms Project (Feb 19).

Please let me know if any details are incorrect or incomplete.
I love that this exists. TY so much.
Thanks Rosemarri.

I have just added the Horde RP-PVP event Super Smash Bruddas (Feb 25 or March 1). Sorry I missed this one. I have also re-added the Thunderbluff weekly storytelling event, which slipped off in a glitch mentioned previously.

Word count for February has now been reached, so some later events will be temporarily moved to the next post.

Please remember to give as many details as possible when listing events. A meeting location place would be most appreciated!
DATE: Feb 18th
TITLE: The Tink Tank!
TIME/LOCATION:New Tinkertown's Engineering Trainer's shop in Ironforge at 8:00 server
CONTACT: AliceDawford
ADD-ONS: Mrp/ Trp
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Looks great Alice! Thanks for the post and the calendar is updated.

I was slightly confused - the forum thread says the 18 Feb and your post above says the 19 Feb. I'm going to assume that the forum thread is the right one - but correct me if I'm in error. Cheers!
Thank you for this!!!!
You're very welcome Daevanne.

In other news, I've seen Mailang out and about working very hard to advertise her Pandaren New Year event this Friday. It should be a good one!

However, I may soon be out of the Alliance loop as I've re-rolled as a goblin named Flywheel and intend to create a new goblin guild Horde side. Let me know if anyone is interested in being involved. I'm level 8 - whee :D
The Khala'mar (Jed'hin) Tournament on March 16 and 17 has been added!

Darkmoon Faire Musical Festival on March 8-10 has been added!!

There's also a political rally about the ethical and political ramifications of azerite on Feb 18.

I love the variety of different types of events that are being held. There's literally something for everyone. I've also noticed some excellent event poster ads that people have been creating.

I'm finding a few events that are posted on discord, but not on forums. If you have a discord channel that you think would be useful for me to join (so I can advertise your event for you) please let me know!
Aquillorae here, new guise and all that.

There's a big Unified Horde meeting happening tonight at 6pm at the Crossroads. Talk to Jimlok if you're keen.

Also, added the new Moonlit Hearth event for the Lunar Festival on Feb 25th.

More events! Added 2 more night-elf themed events by Kaldorei initiative, Feb 23 and March 1/2.

Phew! It's hard work keeping up with so much going on!
Updated to include my goblin dance party on Feb 24.

Do you guys realise how many events we have going on? There's like...TONS! Surely other servers can't compare. I feel like our pride in our community is really growing.
DATE: March 10th
TITLE: [H-RP] Horde Potluck Feast
TYPE: Feast/social/networking opportunity/multicultural exploration/faction unification
CONTACT: Mirchea, Raltaka
ADD-ONS: None required, though Listener may be very handy if we wind up having a ton of people (and we hope we do)!
Thanks Mirchea - Horde Potluck event added for March 10! Could you please specify a location if you have decided upon one?

I've also just gleaned a few details about a Kaldorei Initiative RP Campaign happening tomorrow night! (Wed Feb 21).

Plus two new events from Unholy Dawn, Feb 23 and 25!
The Shadow Sands Bazaar is on the 24th of February at 7:00 pm. I think the contact details are the same as the last entry you had for it!
Thanks Hildira! Yes, I had forgotten to update that one. The Shadows Sands Bazaar for Feb 24 has now been added :D

So much going on this weekend!
Last minute addition to celebrate the Liturgy for Alonsus Faol - added!

Better get in quick. This one is happening in less than 24 hours!

The Occult Faire on March 17 has also been added.
I've been scouring various Discord channels to bring you all the latest events Moon Guard has to offer!

I've added 5 events to the calendar:
- Crescent Gala (The Dominion) Feb 23
-Thru'mok's Chant Training Feb 24
- Liongrave Fight Night Feb 25
- Celestial Accord Meeting March 2
- Stormblade Clan 13th Birthday March 5
- Earthen Ring March 17

Please let me know if I have not listed your event. I hope that when people know about the calendar they will list it here and I won't have to do as much searching.
Right, so I've shuffled things around as events have passed to make room for new ones.

I've adding in many recurring events that will take place in March. At this stage, I don't believe a location has been set for the Grand Bazaar, but I will post if I hear anything.

The location for the Horde Feast on March 10 is Shrine of Fellowship, Jade Forest, Pandaria.

Please let me know if any of the dates I have posted are incorrect.

Also, please tell me if you are using the calendar. I would like to know if people are checking it occasionally, or not at all.