Official Moon Guard RP Events Calendar 2018

Do you want Blizz events on the calendar, too (like the Trial of Style in March), or just user-run events?

Corta runs The Month's End Brawl for Horde players on the last Friday of every month (next one is Feb 23rd). It's at 8pm ST at the Temple of the Jade Serpent in Pandaria. The link I have for it is
Hi Yahla,

No, the calendar is just for player-run events that have some aspect of RP (although that may include battles and PvP). I don't need to advertise what is already on Blizzard's calendar, but sometimes guilds use holidays to theme their events, e.g. Love is in the Air, Lunar Festival etc. We're all about the interaction, right?

I shall add the Month's End Brawl to the calendar. Thank you!
For some reason, one of my forum posts reverted to an older version wiped all the events I had posted. I had to frantically fix that up. Mental Note: Always make back-ups!

Also, I have updated Feb events to include the Grand Bazaar.

Please keep supporting this thread so that we can attempt to get it stickied. Thanks!!
Awesome threat idea! Thank you!

Thanks, Yahla, for the Storytelling plug ^_^

As for Dance of the Earthmother, that is probably over, at least as it was last year and the year before. We did it as a multi-tribe function with WrA as well but drama and such led to its breakdown, soooo

We might try and pick up seasonal public parties again, but not to the same scale.
My pleasure Taeana. Thank you for running all these RP events!

Sorry to hear about the WrA drama - I knew there was a reason I prefer good old Moon Guard. Nobody blinks an eye, no matter how strange you are!

Let me know if you decide to come up with anything else.

I think the launching of the calendar was badly timed on my behalf. Most people were too busy oogling the new allied races (or cursing payment systems) to notice.

Also, added a new cooking class on Feb 13.
Added the "Welcome to the Horde!" RP-PvP event.

It's going to be a big month!

Let me know if you're finding the calendar useful.
One note i would request: Edit past events to simply the name and date they were held to reduce scrolling through miles long posts, especially once the year gets more into swing.

Great so far though :)
I like this idea Taeana. It would also make it is easier to distinguish between past and future events. I'll get right on it!

(But also keep a personal copy for reference, as we all know the internet and computers can't be trusted to save ANYTHING.)
This is a great idea. Thank you so much!
Thanks heaps Demitria. Thanks also to Alicedawford who has been doing a fabulous job promoting the calendar to various Alliance GMs.

I have updated February's events to include the Stormwind Weekly Open Market. The event is now two hours, finishing at 9:30pm.
If you want to add one to February?

DATE: February 16 - Friday (annual event)
TITLE: [A] Pandaren New Year (Chinese New Year)
TIME/LOCATION: 8p - Stormwind, hot air balloon
TYPE: Cultural Festival, games, food, fireworks
CONTACT: Mailang
The Martyred Court (Formerly Azerothian Future League) convenes every two weeks, currently in the process of forming ICly, but is still happening.
DATE: Every other Saturday, starting on the 17th of February.
TITLE: The Martyred Court
TIME/LOCATION: 8 PM Server, Tyr's Hand.
TYPE: Meeting, Social, Military
CONTACT: Telriah, Xarrana, Linaly, Ilsava
LINK: None at the moment
ADD-ONS: TRP3 or MRP, some sort of RP add on. UCM or another addon that makes posting long posts easier.
I just want to say that I think this is a great idea!
That's fantastic. I've added those two events.

I thought I had posted the Pandaren New year event already, but it must have slipped off in one of my numerous edits. Sorry about that.

Thanks Velasandra! Keep spreading the word, maybe we can get a sticky!
DATE: Every Third Saturday
TITLE: Outland Tournaments
TIME/LOCATION: 7PM Server/Rotational
TYPE: Horde RP-PvP + Vendor/Entertainment Festival.
Added the Outland Tournaments - thanks Jimlok!

Also added Eastern Kingdoms Project in Westfall, Feb 8th, and Kaldorei priestess RP, Feb 9th.

The Alliance needs more RP-PvP events tho.
Requested this be pinned. This is very much needed to promote activities in one place especially for those just coming to MG looking to hop into the RP.

Thanks so much for the support everyone.

There are lots of exciting events coming up for the Love is in the Air holiday, both Horde and Alliance. There are also lots of market events on a regular basis. Be sure to check one of these awesome RP events out!
I've added in the latest event by the Celestial Accord - a trip to Silithus on Feb 16!

Also updated to include two new events by Alliance Medical Corps, Feb 17 and 26.