Official launch time

Not when I am able to log in immediately.

Well ill be on the rp server so im not worried.

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You really used PEI as the location to represent Atlantic time? I mean cheers for the potato province :smiley: but most of NA probably couldn’t find it on a map. Halifax, NS is the standard location to represent AST/ADT.

There are ways around that.

Just choose EVERY server. Wait a day or two then play the most populated one.

My preferred method of taking a day off is the second day. Let’s you go nocturnal for a weekend, and play entirely in off peak hours and sleep during peak hours, and then get massively ahead of the pack with little to no competition.

For this, however, with such low level caps, (and also myself being older and pulling all nighters being awful), didn’t feel anywhere near as necessary… BFD lockout is 3 days, and I’ll have at least my first character capped before the second lockout ends, if not 2, or possiblyeven 3 characters, if I really no life it(with the rest farming rested at lvl 10-12)

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nova scotia
holy cow the metropolis

i so love pre-release foruming


server names when

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Ill play the least populated one.

1pm pst Nov 30th.

I bet the servers will show “offline” in the launcher eariler than 30 Nov.


Maybe. Maybe not. They really seem to want to keep everything secret this time.

yea I’ve been systematically checking the realm status just to see if this is the case. But one other way would be to actually login to the classic area and check the lower tabs.

Launching at sort of a weird time. Guess us West coasters are going to have to use that mobile login trick to get in the queue early while we are at work.

why isnt this released on tuesday on reset? lol also what servers are we getting? like why are we in the dark we have like 3 days left lol

Trash time, only benefits to streamers

This time stated for opening is IMO so they can monitor if the servers will handle it and slowly implement changes instead of 80% of the player base trying to login at the same time. Maybe 40-50% are login in initially instead. And if bugs are happening they can actively fix them before the servers are over loaded.

Remember that they changed a lot so that the classic client could “house” more players. The old design probably didn’t allow for the sheer numbers they’re getting now. So it might be easier for them to go about it this way. Not to mention getting to lvl 25 isn’t hard. You won’t miss out on much compared to lvl 60 being open.

Hopefully they can learn from past mistakes, and make launch playable and fun.

y’all wild

This is a steamer’s game. The rest of us are just playin’ in it.

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so much for 6 pm being the norm

Yeah quite unexpected.

I’m glad it’s earlier because I have nothing to do that day besides wait for the servers to come up lol