Official Declaration of Victory


I thought I recognized the name Qwertynoob!

You were the one running around SW before SL ended during a WSB attack yelling “Where’s The Guard?”


Good job buddy. Im glad you thought of a response you liked.

Probably is now

Wasn’t when all the good players were still around and the game was still relevant. Fairly sure there is still a couple hour long videos of you guys getting tossed around in MoP/WoD to the point you guys disbanded

You guys are better compared to a cockroach surviving nuclear fallout

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Awe. I appreciate the sentiment junior. Please, call me Halgruf. It’s far more appropriate than buddy.

The guard never disbanded and that video where 85% of it is tmo killing afk guards was not only ineffective but counter productive as it meant that world pvp comes to the guard rather than vice versa and that the guard knows how to maintain that status.

You push a funny narrative.

Please tell me wsb is mopping the floor with this pleb?

Ah yes, the infamous reverse camping

You sure got us there

Lol you got a bit of a death grip on that one time maybe 3 people in the guild asked for bail out camping during tmos entire campaign against the guard which lasted weeks maybe months. it was the only task tmo could ever manage to initiate, so it’s understandable that you hold this up as a prize winning trophy but the reality was we recruited more and became more active than we ever were right next to current day.

People liked it even if you did intend it to be a smear campaign we enjoyed it :man_shrugging:

The Guard is truly the greatest gift Emerald Dream has ever known. In the few weeks I’ve been here my life has improved drastically, and I no longer mourn the departure of my sweet wife.
I truly feel like a new man.

Thank you to Basedgodbm, whose holy light has brought so many out of the darkness.


“Archbishop” Hebro


God I love taking big dumps on the guard

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Everyone seems so serious. I can hardly wait to transfer here.