Please check out for the Deviate Delight community discord.
We just started a Discord for the Sulfuras Community recently with most of the vocal guilds of the server already being part of it.
https ://
Will there be a Earthfury Discord?
Edit: Found it:
We have a Windseeker server that’s getting pretty big. We have a few of the server’s biggest guilds in there already and would love it if you put us on your website.
https ://discord .gg/ 7NjzfgA
There are three Discord servers not currently listed on the Classic Discord site:
The server for Old Blanchy, US West PvE Realm:
Classy Classic US, a family-friendly server with channels for all US East & US West realms:
Classy Classic RP, a family-friendly server for role-players & role-playing regardless of realm played:
The Classy Classic servers are newer, so their populations are growing. The Old Blanchy server is established.
The thread for the opening of the two Classy Classic servers is here if their purpose and benefit is not as self-explanatory:
I also wanted to note that the listing for Grobbulus had a typo with an extra “n” and is listed in the page display as: Grobbulusn
(Nothing that affects the URL linking, though.)
Where is Deviated Delight
finally a decent necro.
Some of the invites are expired now, though.
Can we delete this post? the
site now redirects to some spyware type of BS that prompts you to install a browser extension to “browse safely”, “Google Chrome security check” and other supposed spyware/malware browser extensions. Either way it is not what it was when this post was made.
I know this post is old, but I found it while google searching for a classic wow class discord and I assume others will find it in the same way and it should be removed.
And now that this post is bumped lots of people will see it and try to go to that compromised site.
yea let’s leave the post with the scam links up so that maybe less people get scammed that way instead of just taking it down altogether
I wasn’t criticizing you lol
notice I bumped it too?
(and ‘liked’ your post)