Official Classic Hardcore is Coming

Can yall include RP and RPPVP servers for both the new season as well as the Hardcore one? That was a major flaw with SoM with different servers soaking up rp guilds that died off immediately. Folks on Grobb and I would assume other servers are still kicking and holding events. The audience is there and I’m just begging for you to allow people to make their one life characters in a place that encourages it so we can run into other people.


Lets not forget, if you kill Asmongold you get a perma ban

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I’m sure you will ruin it with FOMO garbage somehow as that’s all the game is now, sadly.

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Give us fresh classic and/or SoM 2, HC is a waste of time.

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Thank you for allowing TBC Classic character clones onto TBC Era realms.

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Streamers get what streamers want and streamers want hardcore! A fresh normal length progression server isn’t wanted by money generating streamers, so why would we get it


Why? HC servers literally take like 3 lines of code to implement and take no time to put up.

This IS fresh classic. SOM is boring


Jeeesh. Do you have to work on being so negative or does it come natural?

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This “fad” has been going for over 2 years. Has nearly 40 official guilds and the addin has near 1 million users who downloaded it.


Than HC is not for you. The entire soul of HC is that it is solo self found. That is its entire point.

If you add in dungeon spam than it us NOT HARDCORE. It is just a regular server.


Except the majority are on HC on the classic realm servers.

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Hardcore by definition is 1 life game mode.

The Hardcore Challenge* is the game mode you are familiar with. It’s a challenge, a Solo Self Found Challenge, modified to allow a dungeon run. Community rules self imposed by the addon.

Solo Self Found is a self enforced playstyle that players play by for solo Hardcore game play.


SOM2 when? We need some dates Blizzard.

Lets go!! Oh yeah!!

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Can you please confirm if oceanic will get one of these servers? Playing hardcore with 200+ ping is basically a death sentence.


Fresh when

Bring back cloning


The dev apparently stated in stream that they would not be doing a lot to finesse the way people play on the server. That tells me they won’t be implementing rules. If that is true, then it leads me to believe official HC realms are more of a move to placate the angry non-HC players more than anything. It certainly is not to satisfy HC players because they would prefer the HC addon rules.

So, to a HC player, what problem exactly does official HC realms solve? If anything, it creates problems because now you’ll have people leveling to 60 on HC using AH-bought items, cross-character items being funneled in, and gold transfers. These people will pat themselves on the back thinking they did something special. My point is: if you’re going to go the trouble of making HC servers, then make HC servers. Do it correctly, with rules.


Lots of questions yet.
What changes will there be from the hc ruleset?
Will there be an Ironman mode?
Will items be less valuable since you can buy them on the AH?
Will boosting come back?
Will bots increase with the AH?

Will the player experience change?
Will it be harder to find dungeon groups? (If people prefer boosting for example)
Will people be less patient in dungeon groups because they want the runs to be faster- because they expect people to grind the rare items or grind the gold to buy the items.
Will non Ironman players look down on Ironman players and refuse to run with them at 60, making it hard to get a good gear set for fresh 60s?
Will people grind the same mobs or dungeons over and over and over just to get gold to buy items?
If you can group for everything in world - will they lead to item inflation in the AH and for players that can group? Meaning items become less valuable because you can buy that .001 drop in the AH anytime. So any gear you earn solo will feel like garbage.
Will it be too easy to get to 60 with groups? - so there’s no risk of deleting your character if a group mate dies- as opposed to duos and trios now. right now it’s very hard to get to 60, which makes it fun and you don’t feel behind if you die.
Will griefers be able to pvp flag people by kiting guards and mind controlling mechanicals or kite high level aoe mobs to starting zones or ZG elites to STV?
Will there be an afterlife server where you can go if you die? I think this is important - people won’t play any more risky with this option, but at least you can keep playing normal era if you die at 60- lots of people quit at 60 and this would retain a lot of players. It also allows you to continue playing if you DC
So to me you need an Ironman server with hc rules and an afterlife server for 60 content if you die. I don’t think hc will have the same feel without Ironman mode that ends at 60.

I know there are people that always fresh era to bring more people back to play era, but I would change hardcore to make it more like era to entice them back.

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The official HC server will comprise of people with the HC Addon (and all their ruleset) and those without the HC Addon.

I’m sure that both playerbases can co-exist on the same realm