Offensive names yet nothing done about it

Tired of reporting names, only for nothing to be done about it.

A good example; someone with the name ‘wifeabuser’

As a woman who was a victim of spousal abuse, how are names like this “okay”? I report, nothing ever gets done about it. It isn’t funny. It isn’t clever. It’s disgusting.

I see a lot of names with body parts and such referenced too, and I always report. But I feel like it’s too automated. X number of people have to report then the system will “flag” it, however if it’s just a few people, no “real” person looks at it to see what’s wrong with it, so therefore it gets to be “allowed”.

The report system is broken. Too easily abused, and too easy to get away with things when you are doing something wrong.


alternatives cost money. sorry but they won’t be changing this. good luck out there


I also report names that are offensive or just plain unnecessary. Tbh I have no clue if they do end up having to change the name or not! I just report and move along.


Some are in my guild, so I know nothing is being done about it.


Not everyone finds the same things offensive. For instance, I find the song, Goodbye Earl exceedingly offensive, others do not. I also find rap and hip-hop to be exceedingly offensive most of the time, others do not. You see what I’m saying, yes? However, I will admit that there are many names that are very offensive and nothing has been done about them. It all depends on perspective I reckon.

One thing I think we can all agree on, no one can take offense at pie.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


no idea what the system is but i do remember many years ago a person in the same guild as me had their name reported and they were asked/told to change it but all they did was replace a normal letter with an ascii code that looked the same and they ended up getting a temp ban. It was pretty great. They werent in the guild after that, no idea if they still exist in wow


I think that is an extremely ignorant and selfish point of view.



yeah, no theres got to be limits, I would consider “wifeabuser” to be well beyond that limit. Ask anyone with a stable mindset if they feel that beating women or highlighting act of doing so to be acceptable. The answer will be a hyper majority “no”. And like, i know my body parts, i dont need to see someone running around with genitals for a name. This isnt some gender education class. Theres a reason the hyper majority of people wear clothes.

We dont need offensive, rude or violent stuff flopping about in public, either for real, or the words. Only the hyper minority of twisted people get kicks out of that


Thank you. And well said. It’s about the mindset, I don’t get why anyone would want to give themselves such a name or title. But having lived through it, it makes me feel kind of sick honestly.


“Friend” the person with the name. Use the note feature in the friends list to record the name you reported. Watch for a change (if ever).

I’ve reported hundreds of names, some of them so obscene that I’d get banned for simply repeating them (without the server name) on the forums and with almost no exceptions, nothing is ever done.

Blizzard either needs to enforce their rules or remove them. This level of capriciousness is beyond unjust.


Where do the limits go tho? They wont survey the population of wow to decide. They will let themselves overreact and make it so all names even referencing women are banned, any bodypart is banned, abuse or beating is banned, etc.

The OP should consider an RP server if anything bc they will be low likelyhood of having any names to offend them


The naming policy is a joke. If people do get the name change, they can just enter the same name, again.

What a joke.

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What if his name in RL is Wif Eabuser?


hides in mailbox
no get angry at fuzzbutt.
:mailbox: :fox_face:


Basically if you wouldn’t say it to your boss’s 13-year-old daughter at the dinner table, it doesn’t belong in the game.

I’ve seen (and reported to no avail) overt references to swallowing . . . um . . . how do I say this without saying it . . . the output of male amorous efforts in a character name.

I’ve seen any number of variations of spelling of the “universal word” cleverly buried in with other words directing that activity to one’s mother, sister, dog, whatever.

Blizzard does not care. Period.

They make the usual nod towards policing this so they can retain their “T” rating on the game, but beyond that, they do not care.


No better on them, either especially when the system allows the same name to be reusable even after the reports. It’s all automated and not thoroughly checked into.

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This isn’t a democracy. If Blizz seems it inappropriate, then it is. We’re just renting space in their world.


There are currently 16 characters named “Raper” if you look it up.

I’m sure they get a kick out of it too.

They have certain words blocked, but they need to add more to that list.