Wondering if anyone’s gotten this report before? Started playing the anniversary realms like a lot of you but I’ve never come across this report before. I’ve been playing more hours than I usually do but never had any any unauthorized programs before. Saw someone else in here got this as well. Only activity on my account is longer hours than my account has had normally on a launch.
Blizzard will review their logs and determine whether a mistake was made. You’re able to appeal multiple times, until they ask you to stop. The appeal goes to a different individual each time, to ensure fresh eyes are reviewing the situation.
Generally speaking, you’ll reach three groups of people posting here; as such you’ll want to take posts with a bit of salt:
People who were mistakenly actioned, and are appealing.
People who were correctly actioned, but are maintaining their innocence.
People who are trying to give you advice on how to proceed, and who try to clarify misunderstandings.
You might want to edit that into your ticket if you didn’t mention it already, I don’t know how much sway it will have but it’s an important bit of info.
I updated my ticket. Im guessing that you saying its important info means that is what probably flagged my account? only my account i use to play fresh on got banned not my main wow account under the same bnet that I was going to use to play horde on the same server as my alliance account
Hopefully someone can read what I put. two computers one household different places logging in cause of vpn I get it. Only got to level 35 and fresh just started. Sucks to lose an account but I will level again.
Conducta i GREATLY appreciate you working with Blizz staff instead of against them. They are really here to help you and the community. I wish you the best on your appeal and I like your way of thinking.