Of all the movies to directly copy...why Marvel Eternals?

Just got finished watching Marvel Eternals. Eventually, a scene came up that made me blink.

Spoilers for Marvel Eternals and 9.2, I guess (no one cares).

Sersi, one of the Eternals, is taken by one of the Celestials to the World Forge where she finds out that she’s actually an automaton who is millions of years old, created to protect worlds until they can be harvested and the Celestials inside of them can be hatched, absorbing the energy of the life on the planet and leaving it a lifeless husk:




In 9.2, we go to the Forge of Afterlives, where we find out that the Pantheon leaders were really automatons in service to the Eternals.



It has even been speculated that what the Jailer is trying to do is awaken the World Soul inside Azeroth, or use it to do something.

It’s actually kind of funny because I used to make fun of the plot for lifting stuff from the Avengers and Thanos…I mean…the Jailer…but come on.


You forgot bucky. he didn’t do it. it was the winter soldier.

things is with him we didn’t get several years of story acting like he wasn’t controlled but he was.

read a book, bucky goes stone cold killer mode. got it.

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I wouldn’t call it copying since SL came out first. Blizz has designed this whole First Ones arc well before they even started filming the Eternals and before SL released. Granted the comics do exist, but they are surely not the only stories to ever use these kind of ideas.

All fantasy stories take inspiration from each other pretty freely, and WoW overall has many examples of it. But Blizz spins things into WoW’s unique flavor that still sets it apart from others.

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Diiiiiid they, though? 9.2 was fully plotted out and designed when Shadowlands first came out? Because from what I know about their development processes, I don’t think that that’s 100% accurate.


So, just to let you know, Eternals didn’t release until October 2021. By that time the story for 9.2 had already been decided, as had all the patch content. So no, they did not ‘rip off eternals’ for 9.2, unless they somehow got an advance screening several months before everyone else.

This is like saying that Mists of Pandaria ripped off Kung Fu Panda. It didn’t, as Pandaren were a thing in the Warcraft universe pre-dating the concept of Kung Fu Panda by years.


Yes it was. 9.0’s campaigns at release were already talking about the Sepulcher and the First Ones. It existed.

Blizz plans things out very far advance, we know this clearly because they’ve talked about. They plan two expansions in advance and even farther beyond that. Before SL released they would have charted out the whole story and already been working on the next arc of 10.0. You normally wouldn’t want to wing it with no plan.

Sometimes things do change along the way, certain story decisions can be altered and in worst cases entire arcs might be cut out. Such as what happened in WoD, and possibly SL what with this being the last tier.

But they knew about Zereth Mortis from the start. They wouldn’t have created the covenants, Eternals, and this whole SL world without also designing the origins of it too. Especially since those origins are going into being a major story arc and what the main villain was after.

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This reminds me of the Norm Macdonald story; Norm’s kid saw how he did the news and said “Hey, you do the news just like Seth Myers.” Then Norm said, something like,

“My kid doesn’t know how time works…”

Meaning Norm did update LONG before Seth Myers, of course.

Both of these parties would have been developing that stuff around the same time, so no one was “copying” off of anyone. Coincidental “bad writing” just happens :wink:


Yes, Marvel invented triangles and robots.


So, just to let you know, the Eternals series was based on comics lore that was printed between the 60’s and 80’s.

To be honest, that’s not the only parallel between WoW’s and Marvel’s cosmology. For example: A Titan that runs around destroying any world that might have a world soul within it. Hmmm… Sounds an awful lot like Galactus to me.


The Marvel Eternals series is based on comics from like 70s.


Unless it was a robot then it could be Unicron :astonished:


lol they actually are gonna try and make elune evil aren’t they. at the end of this expansion we’ll find out that elune is actually toxic and evil because she brainwashed the winter queen into thinking that she is elune’s sister.

And oddly enough, the Transformers was another Marvel comic. Repeating themes repeat I guess.


Oh right, Eternals was a movie that existed.

Even for a filler marvel movie it was forgettable.

Yes, but the OP is claiming they ripped off the movie.

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It’s even funnier to see you imply Marvel is original storytelling


I mean Warcraft is basically a copy of Warhammer so its not a new thing.


Artist, especially writers, get inspiration from other stories. There is nothing original anymore. That said this one is a little too close for comfort.

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Everything after the Epic of Gilgamesh is derivative.


So very true.