Ode to The Night Elves

Why are the knife ears always like this.

We need to burn another elf-tree it seems.

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Oh look ye, the brutish unwashed mob complain and cast aspersions at the most beautiful race in Azeroth; The elegant Night Elves. But there is no need for jealousy here. It is a given that all of the lower mindless species of the world should bow down to the beautiful Night Elves. It is just the natural way of things.

You wish :dracthyr_tea:

“You wish.” Says the talking rat, lol. How silly. Anyways. The truth be told, it is the Worgen who are the prettiest of them all. lol.

Says the barking dog. No Fido, Only the Night Elves are the most beautiful in the realm.

NELF’s and VELF’s are just BELF wannabe’s.

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Your five pixels say otherwise.

Bold to be saying this when your sunwell is about to get destroyed for the third time next expac LMAO

stop relying on external sources of magic and go to rehab

Who says it’s going to get destroyed? I was just in Silvermoon and all was quite.

Flour > dough > awesome baked goods

Trolls > Night Elves > Blood Elves

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Just wait til Midnight luv xx

Enjoy the sunwell energies sustaining your addictions while it lasts! Luckily the Nightborne are gonna be there to teach y’all how to be self sufficient afterwards.

Night elves (a short poem by Ohgodimblind)
They’ve monopolized the setting.
I find this most upsetting.
Tyrande and Malfurion seem happy with their new tree.
Which means the rest of us should now be Free.

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Less blood elves, more night elves!

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There once were some Elves of the Night
For their trees they often would fight
But they ran out of luck
When the catapults struck
And their tree house was soon set alight


It’s not going to happen.

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