Ode to The Night Elves

They are beautiful. šŸ©µ

Rare footage of Night Elves with Tyrande and Malfurion in their new world treeā€¦

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Bruh theyā€™re forest rednecks


funny because it was the highborn night elves who built everything up in ancient kalimdor and it was malfurion and his lowborn ilk who declared night elves to live as beasts in caves and not use magic if it wasnt for the dragons the night elves would have been slaughtered by the demons during the war of the satyr due to lack of power. the highborn elves from nightborn to high elf so on so forth who thrived where the night elves stayed stagnant and moment they lost their tree. trolls whom it took 5 of them to to match them before now they strugle against 1 v them. shows how far they fallen. they are inferior to the other elves the high elves are more powerful more beautiful far less racist more accepting and forgiving and arnt doomed to die out like the trash night elves are. point is night elves are inferior to all other elves combined

Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah. Just admit that your just jealous. Night Elves are not only the most beautiful of all life forms on Azeroth. We are also the most understanding. We pity the lower forms of life on the planet. Even though they screech, bark and moo as much as they do. The poor things.

Stayā€™uh awf mah propphurtee

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Bro. Wonder who it was that came in the middle of the night and burned down our beloved tree-home?

My beard says I do.


Blame Genn. Donā€™t pull a Pearl Harbor if you donā€™t want your home Hiroshimaā€™d.

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Night Elves #1 Kindling in the verse

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youā€™ve got an awesome name



This thread is everything I could have hoped for and more.


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the glasses really tie the mog together

Wish Iā€™d get the ones from time rift already. -_-

which ones are those?

Gold trim rose tint

Yeah, I hate when I breath in Night elf ash too

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lol now iā€™m fixated!

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Iā€™m not at my home computer I got the tab opened there,pretty certain itā€™s a pair from the Time Rifts the ones I mean. Could be wrong, I donā€™t know anymore I track so many things at once Iā€™ve got like 400 wow tabs opens Iā€™d need to look T_T

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