October’s Trading Post is Spooktacular

Because I want to be able to buy cosmetics?

New world just introduced transmog…I was super excited until I saw there was a HEAFTY price tag.

I’m not gonna bother with it :joy:

That DH helm looks better than the DK one. The shoulders look good.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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I like that they continue to mix in returning items alongside the new items for anyone that may have missed out. Also loving the high-res rendition of classic items. Keep it up!

Broom mount…is or isnt seasonal?
if it is, I aint bothering.

I agree. In a classic-era version of WoW I would never want NPC armor, but imo all bets are off once we have a gazillion paladins and shamans running around with Ashbringer/Doomhammer.

I would love to have Shalamayne, Shalamourne, Frostmourne, and honestly every set of NPC armor they could put in for playable characters.

The game is 20 years old and it’s basically a dress up game now, who cares?

i was thinking something… why the druid weapons have a fist weapon?, incoming druid changes for use more weapons?

not a bad month but that druid mog looks like trash those colors are bad for it.
you guys need to learn color wheels and swatches desperately lol. too many super bright af stuff

It’s an all year around mount, just need all year around reindeer mount next, the non holly kind.



It’s an all year mount and instacast during halloween.

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whos ready for tomorrowwww! ! !
:jack_o_lantern: :ghost: :lollipop:

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Me, I have never wanted to login and cap my monthly tender as fast as possible as I do right now, lol, like legit I usually just do it passively as I do other stuff but tomorrow I’ll be like do this, do that, etc. just to cap it out and get the broom. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



:panda_face: :broom:


I wish all the cloaks/scarves/hoods were a bit darker. The black, green, blue, purple, red, and orange are all so bright. A darker shade for each would have felt more warcrafty to me.


This one’s incredible. Finally we get a spooky season broom to use all year long :smiley:

The broom mount… finally!

If I’m dreaming, please don’t wake me up!


awww blizz only took you 17 years to git a broom mount woot!!