October’s Trading Post is Spooktacular

Same here, i like the whole less is more approach when it comes to mounts, and i hate when they keep adding things to mounts to make them “better”. Chunky saddles, canopies, lanterns and other assorted crap being tacked onto them just makes them look overdone.


You have a horned skullcap that has been TP’ed? Odd.

Its been 15 yrs …Magic broom was added in 2008 patch


no cant use that all yr long

I would have preferred the broom look more simple like the event one as well, but I’ll still take it.

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The new broom mount you can use all year long …it just doesn’t have instant cast unless its Halloween event time.

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It seems like they nerfed the raid boss option this month? You can only get 150 instead of 250 from it.


You mean, it looks like a broom, rather than something that is supposed to hook onto a trailer hitch.

They nerfed a bunch of them. Did players complain when they increased the monthly requirement to 1400 that blood troll appearance month?

Removing the ability to get a monthly reward if you haven’t bought dragonflight is supposed to be an incentive to buy it.

Soooo… the Druid weapon set (Ashamane’s Blessing of Rebirth) is useless for Ferals and Guardians then? Since we cannot transmog fist weapons or daggers into our Agi polearms/Staves

Can this even be fixed in time?


Wasn’t hard one bit too get my Traders post done…just went around doing some Pet battles …a few dragon races and boom got it all done…easy peasy…didn’t have to chase battle ground players…or raid bosses…just causally went around the map and was done.

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good job blizzard punish people who dont have dragonlfight by nerfing tenders for raid accomplishment.

My druid is enjoying her new staff and broom.


Maybe because this drives design decision?

I really like the DK set, flies and all!

I just got my flying broom mount WOOT WOOT!!! Thank you Blizzard - its great fun!! :smiley:

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Just got the broom mount myself, and I don’t do endgame stuff. here is what I did: the special Coren ??? dungeon for 150, did 50 quests on a char for total of 300, did 15 quests in MOP for 150, fished up a fish head at Darkmoon and completed LFG wearing it, drowned myself at Darkmoon to die, then talked to a spirit near the graveyard. Leveled one character to 20 from 12, another from 26 to 30. Fished 50 fish in Pandaria., killed 25 dungeon bosses in leveling dungeons. All in one day.


My best advice is try for things like the battle pet trainers and 15 pet battles, stuff that either completely completes another feat or at least partially completes one. That way you’ll get a bunch of stuff done at once, the fact that 50 fish is also in Pandaria with the pet battles really helps.

Raid bosses are easy to do in Pandaria. Go to the Lorewalker hq in Mogushen Temple and you can que up for all the Pandaria lfrs. ToT, Heart of Fear and Terrace will get you to 25 pretty quickly.

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Lil KT for sure, The Cool Bladefist and the imp in a Ball! YES!

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This broom is awesome!
I need a gnome mage or warlock with a witches hat and my black cat pet!