October’s Trading Post is Spooktacular

Hopefully maybe this means December’s trading post feat completion will be a flying sleigh mount… c’mon Blizz, please?


even if it was grab it on the horde side and problem solved it will attach to your collection and you can use it on your alliance since the collection is technically a BMAH toy

Ah, yes, I feel you.

turns into a giant floating brain, absorbs 4 people, and flies away


I’ve decided as far as a trading post reward I need a jet pack perma mount. Please uncle blizzard that would be so cool!!!


It has a 60 day duration on it since start of September.

Also, these rewards are amazing. Definitely loving how well the trading post is doing.

Nice to see them doing something interesting with tabards, and I’m glad that Conan the Barbarian looking helmet is back so soon.

Other than that, eh. S’ok. People are happy about the broom, and that’s nice.

Nope its been sort of fleshed out there is a new Purple motorcycle and big bug coming out for month of December now

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Every spec gets 1 weapon. Druid has 4 specs - 4 weapons. Dh has 2 specs - 2 weapons.

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I never understood why people buy digital goods for real money. It’s honestly kind of pathetic and sad. keep feeding the rich I guess. I’ll be saving my money like a normal human being.

Ah these so called digital goods basically coming to the player base for free…its included in sub rate…Trading post tenders are earned by doing specific things on a monthly bases…so I don’t get where you think we have to buy with extra money these tenders now…sure there was a package offered the other month for a couple hundred of the tenders with a item but that just one package…100% of player base is getting their tenders free by doing in game content …


Yea I’m not an idiot, I’m talking about buying stuff from the cash shop or buying tenders for actual money. I like the trading post for what it is/was.

I’m getting that broom…


Well everyone will get it if they do the complete monthly to do list …the only issue is you can’t fly with it in Dragon Islands just yet and have to wait till next patch and a new Rep to grind out too 15…well planned out by blizzard for sure…

No doubt, I’m just expressing excitement :blush:

Will the kitty cat pet sit on the back of the broom mount? (Isn’t there a kitty cat that sits on the broom? A familiar or something?)

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Ok Bobby Kotick, this your alt account?

By this logic, you pay to play a game, which has no practical use… so would that not be equally sad by the same principle?


RIP my tenders.

Between that, a mount, a pet, and the very cool looking mail tabards that will blend well with a few of my favorite sets, my dwarf loving tush is draining the bank.



Yep there’s this one!

That would be a cool interaction to have any cat pets to be able to mount your broom with you!


No, it isn’t.