October’s Trading Post is Spooktacular

Hang on… why is the staff still on there for October?

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Granny’s old hat ftw!


Needs a little sign that says “I aten’t dead” :broom:


Don’t say that, I can’t get my hopes up that much for a sleigh mount, it will only make us cry when it doesn’t happen.

Won’t be any sleigh mount this year…they have already data mined one of those new motorcycles are being part of Decembers trading post…the purple one…and a bug mount too…

I got to earn that broom mount, it looks awesome! :jack_o_lantern:


It means nothing. We received multiple mounts at once before, at the trade post.

Two is the most we have gotten so far I don’t see them offering 3 mounts…not even for month of Christmas…

Just hoping it gives a bonus to Headology.


Green cloak sets and the broom are all I need this month. Can finally save up some tokens lol.


I think they should expand the number of NPC ensembles that exist on the Cash Shop myself. Maybe not Thrall’s Doomhammer Armor for lore reasons, but things like say Mograine’s Shadowland Ashbringer, Antorus Demoness NPC Armors, Nighthold Guard Armors, and a couple other things would really be nice.


This is an S tier mount

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might be a type o

Sweetness! Looking forward to getting this mount next month! I know many players out there have been calling for a broom mount we can use all year for a long time now!


will there be any changes for hallows end be added in undercity?

So many goodies… I wonder what “tender bundle” they’re going to stick in the shop this month. Cuz you know they will (I’m sad to say…).



I’m glad the perma-mount is something a bit more elaborate. Feels less like a gimmicky toy.

But I totally admit I DO NOT like the stereotypical witches flying brooms with magic wands aesthetic and frankly don’t want to see it around me, so I’m biased to begin with.

This broom doesn’t really change that, but the more elaborate design at least makes it feel more fitting in-universe to me.

I’m kind of eyeballing that updated Scholomance staff model, that thing looks gorgeous. All of my characters use weird cloaks that prevent staves on the back, though.

The chainmail tabards are such a cool idea, I never even knew I wanted that.

Looks like another light month for me, which im not complaining about.

I’m debating if I want the Scholomance staff. I’d probably never use it in practice, but I’d love to have it…

The chainmail tabards are also interesting, but again I feel like it’d be something to have but not actually use.

Just like this month will likely be skipping the class sets. I kinda want to get the Paladin armaments before they go so I can use them with my purple judgement set tho

The Headmasters set looks really great.

You guys are killing it with the trading post additions. :+1: