October’s Trading Post is Spooktacular

Now all we need now for Christmas is a sleigh with gnomes in santa outfits and a sack of toys being pulled by none other Metzen the Reindeer with a red nose that is.


Not really salty? I don’t care how people spend their money. Advocating for more transactions in a pay to play + subscription based game is silly though. I spend $70 every 6 months for the game, not nearly as much as buying every store mog/mount + begging for daddy Blizzard to take more from me lol.


Finally, Orc grunts get their signature helm style. If only it came in more colors than just gold.

So…the druid set doesn’t come in another color? Looks like a glorified alliance druid armor and yeah no my druids are horde so I won’t be getting that one. Idk about the DH one either…DK one maybe but otherwise my tenders are being spent on other things

so many items damm the 1000 tenders will not be enough :c


Broom mount, the green hood/cloak sets (finally), some decent tabards, and Granny Weatherwax’s hat? Heck yeah.


Very glad I saved most of my tenders this month. Looks like I’ll be spending them in October.

Oh. Chainmail tabard.
That could be something useful for transmogs.


please make hats that make our hair flow out! we know you can do it!


Man, look at them item prices

So how many tenders oh wait I mean transmog sets that just happen to have tenders this month?


Oh the delicious irony. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

OT It read as more of a suggestion than a complaint. :dracthyr_shrug:

I love the broom! :broom:
I will be using this mount a lot in October. The style of this broom reminds me of
some of the brooms in Hogwarts Legacy.


Says the person complaining about a request, not a complaint.

Yep well played by Blizzard to finally give us a perm broom mount that can’t be used in Dragon Isles to fly with so in order to use it we have to go back and hang out in Old World …and this will stay this way till the put out the next patch that includes normal flying for Dragon Isles…but remember now you got one more Rep to Grind out to 15 before you can normal fly …


Just going through the list, it was looking like a very expensive month. Then I got to those last four items and realised I had gotten to the “trick” part of the “trick or treat” discussion.

I could have sworn I saw a bike on wowhead. That must be a store mount coming I guess.

Those were found in the 10.2 datamining. The purple one has an indicator that it’s related to the trading post.

You mean you’ll be using it a lot in old world cause your not going to be flying in Dragon Isle with it till we get the next patch that allows normal flying and you have gotten your 15 renowned with new rep coming with new patch…

Thx! I knew I saw it somewhere!

That is coming with month December …