Sure, it’s all my fault for saying that BM should not be getting ANY NERFs because it is already at the bottom, meanwhile people like you keep saying “BooHoo BuT bAsIlSk NeEdS tO bE nErFeD, ThIs NeRf iS a GoOd ThInG”…
My point was that these NERFs would not fix BM Hunter at all, and I made it very clear. Stop with the dishonest already, it is not something you should be proud of.
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Why push this early? This actively hurts the spec more than it helps. Revert these changes until the 11.0.5 patch.
So I’ve been gearing up BM for its nice single target in raid, playing MM in M+ to do ok damage there, and now I need to just swap to MM for mythic raid because on Tuesday I get an emergency 10% nerf to single target so I still do no damage in M+? How is this a good idea or good for the game?
The changes all need to be pushed together lol in what freaking world is they uh move some of the changes forward why you mad a logical response.
Was this a mistake? Surely they didn’t mean to delete the spec like this.
Blizz please rethink pushing these changes out now and just push all of the changes with 11.0.5 like originally planned. This will devastate BM’s single target, which is the only thing we are good at right now, and our AOE will still be so far behind everyone else. Some of us really don’t want to play MM or Survival and really want to play BM.
So let me get this. we were top 5 ish on single target and so far down the list for aoe. These changes will make us dead last for single target and still down the barrel for aoe. Who decided this was needed or warranted. a 1-3% single target nerf along with easily a 25% aoe buff was needed but this? Id consider demoting the person that made this to janitorial duties or something cause they seem really good at throwing entire groups on players in the trashcan.
I agree. Some people don’t think this and wanted some changes moved forward.
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Can we atleast get a blue post on this?? Thank you for starting the thread. Love bm don’t want my spec to suck on both sides raid and mythic plus.
Blizz wants BM players to buy the D4 expansion. At least we can feel great playing the spiritborn before Tueday rolls around with the reality of a broken and bad spec.
Can we please revert it? I’m sure everyone is eager for the real rework. But maybe we should just let it cook for a while and not give us half baked “solutions”
I was really looking forward to these changes being a benefit to the BM M+ kit. Really curious on where blizzard wants hunters to be given these changes.
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Pathetic devs, how this was approved to go live is beyond human intelligence
I don’t get it. Why nerf the spec now? Why not just leave it until the 11.0.5 patch?
Can’t devs do napkin math and see that this will bring ST to unplayable levels, and make AoE go from F-Tier non-existent to D-minus level unplayable? I know we have “nice” changes coming in 11.0.5 but they’re essentially telling us to unsub or don’t play BM until then.
I already get declined from keys nonstop and most heroic raid boss groups unless its Sikran or Kyveza. Single target is the only thing BM has going for it and theyre taking that away from us? Why should one hunter spec excel over all others for a pure dps class? This is ridiculous.
Did they not think this through? Hunters are already a 1 per raid class, now you will never see 2 hunters. My raid has 3 mages, no one blinks an eye. 2nd Hunter is ALWAYS 1st bench.
The part that really sucks is I have specifically spent these first weeks of prog gear and simming my character around bm for single target in raid. Accepting upgrades so I can just nuke the boss. But now I’d have to recraft and re stat everything to play the now better spec.
Why did they nerf ST? BM only tops in raid ST if it gets PI.
So now BM will be mid ST WITH PI and still last AoE? What is this?