Oct 9 Hunter changes, UPDATE - Aoe buffed more, still losing some ST

This is, most likely the only option at this point.
Not only are BM’s not invited to M+ runs at all, but now we won’t even be a viable class for raiding.

Also, has anyone else noticed the pets can barely hold aggro on a pack of mobs?

I tried to switch to MM or even use a different class but I’m not enjoying the experience at all. I had my hopes up for the re-work on 10/22 but now this news just destroyed all hope.
Why pay a sub for a game I don’t enjoy playing anymore? Might as well leave for a while until they fix it. Fortunately FOMO doesn’t hit as hard as it did in the past.

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Machinist, then. Same logic applies when compared to the other “selfish” dps like Black Mage and Samurai, less dps because you are fully mobile ranged. Again, my point though is that not dps should feel the absolute worst in all situations, and if you do so, then it’s a design failure. They should be providing enough encounters where being able to have 100% uptime cause classes like bm to outshine other classes that require standing in melee or standing still. No class should feel the worst in all cases, as that’s bad design.

Besides, it’s not like you have literally 0 utility! Lust is good when no one else is providing it. And hunter’s mark… is a thing. Frost trap for m+? Ranged interrupt? Although I suppose all hunters bring these.

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Not even our pets do a Thunder Stomp for every Kill Command can solve our low-tier aoe damage.

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The difference being that FF is a way way way more balanced game in terms of classes. Yes machinist does a bit less damage but go look at the logs and compare machinist to the top dps and it’s not even close to being as bad as BM is compared to the upper mid specs

If Blizzard could achieve the balance in their specs that FF has, you would see at lot less people crying about their spec not doing well

Sad sad news, I have already cancelled my sub. I am tired of the hunter rollercoaster.

Unfortunately, the only way the developers are going to hear hunters pleas, is to cancel your sub and let blizzard know why you are cancelling. Then, they will listen. Until then anything we say will fall on deaf ears.


If I were a bm hunter, honestly, I would just stop playing. Actually unplayable AOE damage in mythic plus keys (was never addressed) and now they hit them with a TEN PERCENT single target nerf in the MIDDLE of the tier after spending countless hours farming gear and all that gold crafting gear? Ya, I would just stop playing. This is a mistake and should not go live. Listen to your community.


Three words: Peregrine and Kestrel. Another three words: go get them.

Right now, in SoD Phase 5. DOMINATE as a melee or ranged(your choice), petted or petless(your choice) Hunter of BM, MM, or SV.

I’ve decided to unsubscribe because it’s become clear that once again Blizzad has completely disregarded the state of the Hunter class, specifically Beast Mastery. The logic behind nerfing an already underperforming spec is baffling. After countless expansions, it’s frustrating to see BM consistently relegated to the bottom tier, with little to no meaningful adjustments to make it competitive. It feels like player feedback isn’t being considered, and that’s deeply disappointing.

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That is wow classic, not retail.

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My gear is not the best (you can check my armory), but its far far from bad.
I was just in a t8 delve with a party, the healer kept calling me out (harassing me) saying I was auto attacking. I told them I was not, I was doing a full rotation (keeping up frenzy stacks, KC on cooldown, BW on cd, etc etc). They kept insisting I was auto attacking per their recount (which again, I was not…I have never auto attacked any form of content in wow since 2004). This is how bad the damage is compared to other classes. Its so abysmal, that others think I am auto attacking.

I know how to do a rotation. I know my 20 year old class. This is not a “me” issue, this is bad class balance full stop.

At the point hunters are not being brought along, or being harassed by others for not doing enough damage, there is a clear problem that needs addressing TODAY, literally TODAY.

Its a complete disgrace that we have to endure this kind of stuff.

NOTE: When I get on my terribly geared ret paladin or arcane mage…(literally button spamming/facerolling on the paladin), all of a sudden I do great DPS that the group has no issues with.

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BM’s strength isn’t it’s aoe. It’s the ST. You don’t shine til you get to a boss fight, but when you do, you’ll absolutely crank the meter making the fight significantly less. You won’t top overall, but who cares. You have great priority damage, uncapped aoe, and tremendous boss damage.

Also if somebody in a t8 delve is harassing you, I’d just ignore them. A t8 delve can be completed by a trained monkey. There’s no DPS checks

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This idea that mm is mobile isn’t great. Casting Aimed Shot is large. Sure you can rapid fire on the move and steady shot/arcane shot, but the majority of your time you’re standing in place, and if you have to move from a mechanic, you will have to stop casting.

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ST is not as strong as you purport. Its stronger than it’s AOE for sure, but its barely A tier, A- AT BEST (I would argue more in the B to B+ territory).

Topping charts is important in WOW, always has been. I should not have to explain why (AND as evidence, the paladin giving me grief…which in a raid setting would be a kick for no reason).

AOE being uncapped means nothing when it does terrible damage and does not contribute to an overall solid DPS (which again, is measured by the community as your “worth”).

as far as a t8 delve…ya, they are easy mode on my ret paladin (who has lesser gear than my hunter), easy mode on my shadow priest…not so easy mode on my BM hunter.

And I mean…fury warrior? LOL, the strongest spec in game by a landslide. If that is your measure of “anyone can do it”, well then I have news for you. Fury is ABSOLUTELY INSANELY OVERTUNED

Blizzard wants to disperse the hunter population into other classes as it is growing too fast too big. Welcome to the dark side.

Warlocks and Rogues have been where BM hunters are going for years.

It’ll work out in the end. You just have to wait.

On the positive side, it’s good for a game to have diverse classes.

I would bet your statement is the closest thing to the truth as to why hunters are doing so bad ATM.

Except, I would argue that it does not push players to other classes in all cases, or even most. I for one have already cancelled my sub due to hunters being terrible. Other hunters have recently expressed the same sentiment.

Pushing people away from hunters does not make the game better, it makes the game have less of a population.


Well, sorry to hear you un subbed.

During DF, I couldn’t get into a group at all as 50% of the dps were either BM hunters or Ret paladins.

Be patient my friend. I was shafted as a rogue and continued playing. You’ll be fine. Come back soon.

That sucks…the issue is that the last time I quit wow, I quit for 2 expansions (I quit and did not come back for shadowlands or dragonflight).

When I leave again here in about 3 weeks, unless I can find some redeeming aspect of the game that is fun for me, I doubt I’ll be back…maybe if ever.

The buff nerf rollercoaster over 20 years has just simply gotten stale. I fully understand class tuning and how its an ongoing thing, but blizzard has ALWAYS gone overboard with nerfing. They could learn to adjust numbers a bit less and not touch so much.


I concur.

There’s gotta be a fancy program for them to insert “class” and run numbers.

But, at the end of the day, it’s business man. It’s just business. They need to keep their game alive with all classes being played.

I wish you the best and hope to see you again my friend. I can empathize with you.

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The idea that one should be “patient” when we literally pay the devs $15/month for this hot garbage is baffling. Nothing can be perfectly tuned but it’s clear that there was no foresight on this nerf.

The spec was already the absolute worst in AOE so clearly the answer is to nuke its one useful trait into oblivion without even delving into why it was topping charts (stupidity of PI.)

So no. I do not subscribe to the idea of being “patient.” And if there thought process is to get me to play other classes then I wish them well in culling the herd but in this case it’s just going to end in them losing my subscription.


the 4pc change to survival aint worth much either.

Raptor is so low in the priority right now they could make it 50% and it still wouldn’t mean much.