[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

Apparently 11 guilds including my own are moving and all it takes to make it a dead server would be 1 guild moving. Will be going from 7ms to 170ms

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Blizzard still thinks OCE is in Afghanistan unfortunately geography not being one of their areas of expertise so going from 20 to 300 ping being 280 difference we can’t expect maths either

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Cannot understand why some people wanna play this game under 200-300pings. And what is the benefits for them to play in mega sever? selling gold?


Keep this post alive lads. Don’t let them kill OCE (not that the ping would be dreadful, any Actual vanilla player knows we were doing this crap at 400MS all the up until cata, but that’s not the point)

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Imagine having a data centre in OCE and not using it.


Hoping we get some feedback prior to the transfers about this.

Giving people the OPTION of moving servers if they don’t like the population is a good idea, trying to force people into high latency servers because the developers think it’s better for everyone is in itself a terrible experience.


The thing is they will claim its not “forced” but will do things that directly/indirectly kill the server until you don’t have that option anymore and your options become quit or go where we want you to.

Opening free transfers directly lowers the server population further.
Preventing new character creations indirectly lowers the server population.
Not allowing transfers to shadowstrike prevents any chance of growth.

These 3 combined leads to a slow death of almost any server except the largest and this is what they did in season of mastery with shadowstrike AU and its why i quit som during bwl.

They realistically have 2 options here

A) They commit to making a oceanic mega server and taking measures to improve our population which would include not opening xfers off the server but only onto it and tailoring solutions to any potential problems a smaller pop server may encounter.

B) They go ahead with the transfers but provide oceanic seeded instance servers in which case the entire oceanic region/servers will be dead within a week but is at least an acceptable compromise.

Also as a reminder that they did the exact same thing which killed oceanic completely in season of mastery and we didn’t want it back then either please do not make the same mistake again.



It has ebbs and flows, that any niche edition of a game. Comparing it to standard retail, or classic is dishonest.

And while “NA servers are perfectly functional on OCE latency”, having played NA latency from Vanilla, and moving first chance into the OCE servers way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, it’s not something that should even have to be entertained when Blizzard has the technology to create seeded instances and create comfort measures for the playerbase they’re forcing this on.


We would like an answer to our request before the transfers go live.

Its not that bad, there are heaps of Aussies on US servers, I play on a US server and the ping isnt that bad

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Nobody cares about NA and we don’t think that’s an acceptable solution.

Allow OCE players who do migrate to NA to have the option to use OCE seeded servers for dungeons / raids this means we would still be forced onto NA ping for world but when we have our entire OCE guild in a raid setting or dungeon setting we would still have the option to play on 8ms if we wanted to.

100% agree with this.


If you choose to pay for your subscription and opted to immediately play on a US server (Because maybe you have US friends / your time-schedule is different to an average Australian or person who lives on this side of the planet, so it works better with US times) doesn’t mean that the people who were given OCE servers should now have to play on US ping with no compensation or efforts by blizzard.


I would also like to weigh in to say that retaining oceanic servers, or at the least oceanic seeding of instances is how I want to play the game. I recognize that some players want higher populations at any cost, even if that means transfering to a server in which they will be playing during offpeak hours.

My main contention is that returning to high latency gameplay for all modes of play degrades the experience to an unnaceptable degree, hearkening back to decade-old experiences of missing mechanical cues and stuttering through the world battling doubled reaction times.

tldr: I prefer oce servers and if and when I want a higher population experience I can make an alt and level it at 150% speed on an American server. Cheers.

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Agree with everyone above please don’t do this to oceanic.

Bumping again until post from blizzard clarifying action for OCE.

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Aggrend you better be reading this. I’m sure it’s apart of your job description to do so.

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Here’s what will happen as much as it pains me to say this.

Blizzard will wait until transfers open and stay completely silent and wait until some people just leave the server then they will say the population is too low to maintain the server and we can’t offer you any solution.

Essentially killing our server while not having to do anything and our option will be to stay on shadowstrike with even lower population or be forced onto NA or quit.

I really do hope that i am wrong about this and they won’t abandon our region once again.

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Would be good for some blue post addressing the concerns from OCE players

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