[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

You missed one option, merge Penance and Shadowgrief but make it a PVE server.
Now hear me out, this way PvPers can stay flagged all the time and gank/get ganked by other flagged PvPers and those who don’t care about PvP that much can sit back and watch. WIN WIN.


No blue replies they’re laughing in the break room while reading this right now


The Funny thing is:

  1. They are locking character creation on OCE servers
  2. they are offering Free Xfers to a USA PVP RP Server (will the RP Rules apply??)
  3. they are forcing their playerbase to have increased ping, yet wanting us to pay still?
  4. if people think they are still going to have the same experience they are dreaming
  5. blizz could effectively kill off their entire OCE Sod Playerbase with this and they dont seem to care.

It’s Sunday night in NA.

that it is, hopefully they see all the oceanic threads saying dont do this, and just merge all oce into one server in OCE

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they did reply, their reply was that they are including OCE in the Server merge.


Bumping for a fix. Merging people into a 250ms+ server with no alternatives or fixes, when the server is self-sustainable is not a good fix or solution.


Agree we need a better fix

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this is 100% going to happen.

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I’m the biggest RPer on Shadowstrike and I am horrified


It’s just typical blizzard tactics announce something say we want feedback then they get that feedback they say thank you for your feedback then proceed to completely ignore the feedback and insert xyz reason why they ignored it.

If transfers open and they haven’t given us a response then everything else is pointless.

They should put the transfers on hold for oceanic until we get a better solution.


or announce said feedback, 1-2 days before its going ahead, not giving the region enough time to offer feedback or a counter to it, so blizz will just go ahead with it.

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We want an answer before the transfers open.


10 charsss

Wonder when they will provide us with an update on if they are gonna kill an entire region ?

There’s a podcast coming tonight from countdown to classic

keep your eyes open for it

https ://www.youtube.com/@countdowntoclassic/videos

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They won’t, they will continue to ignore you. Just like all the times they have ignored your tears over the GDKP ban

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Thanks for the bump.

Still waiting for an update “BEFORE” the transfers go live.

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Any updates?

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3/4 of the 20 man team I play with will outright quit if server merge is forced on us. Only compromise I could see that people will deal with is local instances so raid and dungeons can still be run at a passable ping.

Like everyone else, I played on US ping servers until we got local servers and I refuse to go back.