[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

I like how bro reads entire thread and can only see “gdkp” out of the entire post you are something special.

How about for once instead you say something useful for your region.

Lmao he’s still trying to push for GDKPs to come back when they are on the verge of killing the server. Shameful

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If theres a merge, I wish I can choose PVP or PVE and not be forced to go to a PVP realm. I only chose Shadowstrike as the only OCE realm that had even a slightest breath of life in terms of server population. Unlike people playing on the US realms, many of us in OCE did not willingly choose pvp or pve realm.

The oceanic seeded instance server is a great idea, and it makes sense for us to still play decently despite being on an US server.


Wrong mate a majority have already left because we were not allowed to transfer to a server with more population. Your up in arms about being forced to merge and then suggesting that PVE players be forced onto Shadowstrike? As a OCE PVE player moving to a NA realm I barely notice the lag its 195ms ffs we are not talking 500ms lag here 195 which is all good except maybe for some hyper sweaty pvp that most of us dont care about. Please dont speak on behalf of the MAJORITY as I think you will find you are the loud minority.


So many people here are throwing around the words “forced merge”.

I agree that penance to SS should have been the first step before OCE to NA, but penance is long dead at this point.

By protesting against open transfers from OCE to NA, you are threatening the players who prefer server pop over low ping in the same way blizzard would threaten you with a “forced merge”.

If a large enough community of oce players really prefer having low ping over high server pop and the advantages it comes with then shadowstrike will never die. Yes communities will tank as some players xfer but at the end of the day players will make that decision for themself.

As part of a community that chose to migrate from penance to wild growth in spite of having to start fresh I understand how impactful transfers would have been and what you are robbing those players of by protesting against free optional transfers.
Also would be nice to get our penance characters back.

OCE seeded instanced is a great idea I hope blizz implements


Good that’s your own decision oceanic has always been the same.

If you read the post i mention opening transfers from penance to shadowstrike to give oceanic players the opportunity to come to another oceanic server over NA.

This thread itself shows i am not the loud minority most people don’t want to play on NA and if they do they want OCE raid instances as a middle ground.

Very simple

We are saying that shadowstrike is not a dead server we have 6 x the population of penance we have over 73 active guilds.

We are saying that we don’t want the merge and want solutions that are better tailored and to go through different options and then if they fail as a last resort merge but with oceanic seeded instances as a middle ground for being forced onto NA.

There’s no arguement or debate its a open shut case you can’t argue against it because there’s a workable solution for both not merging and merging.

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Would be nice to hear some official dev correspondence regarding this issue.

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People here have no idea what they’re talking about when they’re saying the ping on WG is bad from OCE. Roll a toon on Wild Growth and you’ll see its absolutely fine.

Been playing on Wild Growth since Phase 3, its a way better experience. I want all of my Penance toons transferred there so I can get all my gold back.

Penance is a dead realm and players should have the ability to transfer to Wild Growth.


seems you missed the point
As far as I can tell your ‘workable solutions’ are an excuse to hang on to the players who would transfer if it were an option for them, players arent going to leave their main raid team unless they absolutely want to.

Voicing my takeaway from this forum which is the following

  1. char creation on SS (and pen) shouldn’t be locked
  2. seeded instances are a great idea
  3. open merge to NA should be available

The ‘workable solutions’ from your original statement are either unrealistic or dont contradict the presence of an open merge from pen > SS > NA

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Mate, you don’t need good ping to achieve a 48 average parse percentile. This isn’t the forum for you.

Look guys this conversation honestly isn’t for the casual player. If you want to rock up have a huge player base, then yes 100% a US server is fine and I am sure you’re having fun. I personally love the idea of not stressing about Rend buffs and a populated server definitely helps with this as well as an AH where things actually sell.

But for the competitive players, 200 ms is literally unplayable. At that level it’s comfortably a flat 5% dmg loss. Speeding, you miss clutch LOH/Taunts/Vanishes etc. We have two guilds OCE competing on a world scale which would simply just die on 200ms.

IMO the OCE instanced server is the best option here as we maintain population by merging to a US server but can still compete.

I am yet to see anyone arguing otherwise shooting 90+ percentiles which means you’re just casual. Nothing against casuals but its like saying there’s no point in spending $1M on an F1 car to get one kilo out of the vehicle. You’re just not competing at the level where it matters.


Correct they should do everything possible to promote the health of oceanic region and make decisions to encourage people to play on the oceanic servers and if after they have tried multiple options they believe there is still an issue then merge with na with oceanic seeded instances.

To put it bluntly NA isn’t an option unless oce seeded instances are guaranteed for us the majority will quit and they will lose a majority of the oceanic playerbase because they refuse to acknowledge us and provide better solutions.

Players deserve better than the current planned merge with nothing else.

+1 to supreme leader Elron’s post. Herr Elron is never wrong.


Blade of Kill members detected, opinions discarded.

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Thanks good to see more people supporting oceanic.

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+1 Please Blizz


+1 to this post, plz don’t kill OCE, I would like to keep playing the game and that wont be happening on 200ms


I wanted to share my thoughts on the recent decision to merge Oceanic servers with North American servers. While I understand the goal is to consolidate player populations and improve overall server health, I have some concerns about the impact this will have on Australian players.

One of the primary reasons many of us choose to play on Oceanic servers is to avoid the significant latency issues that come with connecting to North American servers. For us, lower latency is crucial for both the enjoyment and competitiveness of our gameplay. The prospect of increased latency following the merge is quite worrying. It could lead to a less enjoyable experience for those of us who are used to a smoother connection.

I’d appreciate any insights you could provide on how Blizzard plans to address these latency issues. Are there any measures in place to mitigate the impact on Australian players, or any plans to improve the situation over time?

Thank you for considering the concerns of your Oceanic player base. We’re hopeful that Blizzard will continue to prioritize player experience and look forward to hearing more about how this transition will be managed.


We chose to play on oceanic for a reason if we wanted to be on NA we would of went there to begin with.

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I’m just posting to add more support to the cause. OCE deserves Better


Have 1 sec delay sucks, if I wanted to play in higher ping server I would’ve chosen NA from the getgo

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