bumping for visibility and potential better option.
I’m hoping Blizz will see you for what you are Elron one man with his Bot army, both in game and in the forums - hopefully this time they give you the time and attention you deserve which is absolutely ZERO.
Sounds toxic and personal.
Just because you disagree with people wanting to save there server/region.
Next time play on NA from the start problem avoided.
Post on main
You forgot to add the words “GDKP” to your post.
Keep hiding then.
I’ll hide behind an alt the same way you hide behind a female toon when you are the “Make Love Not Warcraft” guy IRL
Just means what you say is irrelevent and has no weight all good with me.
Almost like every single one of your posts that are complete with facts. Feeling is mutual - cheers!
Cheers for the bumps keep hiding.
Ur the worst delusional player on server man
Why aren’t u in the Shadowstrike discord anymore ?
You’ll have to do your own legwork on that one, any detailed response would be against Blizzards forum code of conduct.
So lets remain on topic, and cut the spam.
Big W for democracy. HUGE L for Elron’s echo chamber.
We finally see the real truth now.
The majority have indeed spoken. This is why transfers are now open, and we even have the choice to return.
The players will now decide the fate of SS, just as they deserve.
You stand in our way no longer.
People on here thinking they won …
We got the worst solution possible given to us by blizzard and had our entire region killed and people are out here cheering and mocking a guy who tried to stop it and get a better solution for all of us.
We all lost you lost because you got shafted on to NA with high ping and i lost because i don’t have a server to play on anymore and will quit.
Blizzard ultimately won over everyone because they managed to screw everyone even if it takes you abit to actually realize it.
No one cares about your selfish agenda bro
L ron