[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

thanks elmo

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Do us all a favour and quit


Oh, we absolutely have won. All of OCE won.

What you think has been proven not to matter in the slightest.

You do not speak for any of us. We the majority, spoke for ourselves. And Blizzard Listened.

Enjoy playing on Shadowstrike, or quit. It matters not. The rest of us will enjoy the game how we want.


I think Elron is right here, we fought for 10 years for oce servers and they just got taken away because of some impatient minded people, but in the end it’s just a game, I’ll give it a few weeks of raiding at this terrible ping and move on.


Really? Because I just logged onto Retail, Cataclysm and Era, and all the OCE realms are still there.


Underrated comment, deserves more likes hahaha

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Elron did a great job making people so full of hatred that they laugh at our vibrant community being murdered by Blizz themselves.
This Phazonix guy played on Penance. Just insanity the size of the chip on his shoulder. Must had taken the day off work to xfer?

How can you say OCE won when they got shipped over to US and lost their realm.
People told me they were going to xfer I wished them luck - So wrong of me to believe in a sense of community in an MMO - people just want the toxic McDonalds experience without the adventure, patience or random fun. I played everyday since p1 never saw Craz or any of you faceless souls.


Oh yeah ? How active was the Era server ? And how many people from other realms did you see on retail ? Lmao

How can you say you believe in community when you actively tried to force the vast majority of the Australian population to stay on a dying server because of selfish personal reasons when it was clearly obvious everyone wanted to go to crusader strike together so we could fill the gaps of our dying population with others abroad. You can’t say you care about community when all you did was knowingly try to hurt the oceanic population. This was a huge win for the oce population to continue throughout the season. If you smooth brains got what you wanted we wouldn’t of made it through p5.

I don’t work for Blizzard lol

Yeah, it’s mind blowing that a dead server full of trolls with an OCE population of probably <50 players was campaigning so hard for SHADOWSTRIKE to be forced to transfer.

It’s like they were so angry and upset that their server was dead they lashed out and wanted to inflict pain on everyone else.


Bro oce was overwhelmingly in favour of leaving shadowstrike. Penance doesn’t have the playerbase to turn the tides. The vast majority of players wanted to leave shadowstrike and penance. There is like 4 players from shadowstrike who campaigned to stay there, and I’m not sure if multiple of those are elrons alts. It’s crazy you’re putting the blame onto penance because you can’t come to grasps that literally every player with a functioning brain in the oce region (most of us) could see that the pop was dying and we needed to join the US population to sustain us.

honestly I and probably you wanted a better solution. We should be able to get OCE seeded instances or some sort of OCE layer, but all we got was playing on the American server with high ping.
Now we’re effectively paying the same money for a worse product as other players, but hey, at least we’ve get the pop.

Oce seeded instances would’ve been great. But tbh I’d rather pay to play with higher ping and actually be able to find groups for content rather than low ping and be playing a single player game outside of peak hours. So I guess it depends on your priorities but for me, playing with other people in an MMORPG is more important than a barely noticeable delay on a button press. I honestly have not noticed the delay in the slightest since moving to crusader strike.

It’s not that noticeable until you either raid or pvp. The 250ms delay makes a large difference to things like interrupts, moving out of void zones, heals just missing going off etc.

If they had even had the tiniest bit of care for OCE players they would have made the server west coast, which would mean a ping of 140-150ms for east coast, and 190-200 for west coast AUS players.

But no - they chose the worst possible location for OCE to transfer to latency wise. It had to be deliberate, it’s that obvious.

There’s a reason why blackrock/proudmore etc were the default OCE servers back in original wow (they were all west coast).

It isn’t noticeable in raids at all. Haven’t done much PvP yet but I’ve literally not noticed any change at all from shadowstrike to crusader strike. You guys have blown the latency argument way out of proportion and probably haven’t even tried it. You just wanted to force everyone to stay on your server and that was the easiest argument to run with.

Proposal to revive shadowstrike as the gdkp only server in sod and give it an opportunity to thrive.


Make oceanic great again unban gdkp’s and open transfers to shadowstrike from all NA realms !!!

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3 and a half hours trying to get into a ZG pug on my geared main character on Wild Growth. This merge into this so called “mega server” solved nothing. If anything it made matters worse because recruiting on this server as an oceanic guild is near impossible. Great job blizzard, really good stuff.


It was a gimmick from the start oceanic players on NA servers are on offpeak times ofcourse there will be more people because the NA playerbase is just naturally larger but if all oceanic players were together on 1 realm we also would of had a perfectly healthy server.

Now were left with 2 dead oceanic servers and no region playing on NA ping and people are just gonna cop it and keep paying.