[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

what temper tantrum?, that is legitimately you, you are the one have a tantrum the last few days. i only play SoD, if sod isn’t available in my timezone and with the region i reside in, why should i stay and pay?? tell me why i should pay to play with the lag and when the US is completely different timezone? you will get exactly what you “think” is what SS is, you think its dead its arguably not. when you go to the US and theres no one online on your timzone and all you will have is the bad latency, are you going to sit there playing ? you’ll end up with lag and no one to play with, when i played retail the amount of US players that had temper tantrums and left because they couldn’t handle the OCE seed lag was ridiculous, think outside of your deluded interests.

the problem is the people that think they want to leave ‘cus its dead’ arent taking into account its the end of phase 4… the content was not fast enough for this SEASONAL game. ITS SEASONAL, people will come and play and come back, yet you people sit here thinking that its dead because no one is online after a month of perhaps the most boring raid in vanilla, if the decision was made over two phases and they actually proved its wasn’t the content drought and their bad communication that had caused the more of the fractures and drop offs then i would except it. But no, you are wrong and you need to think more about the situation then crying because others can think about multiple reasons why this is the wrong time to be doing this.

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You said yourself you would quit before transferring off of shadowstrike. This is the kind of player blizzard is listening to. Players that literally will never leave shadowstrike until the server literally shuts down. You don’t care about a healthy population. You refuse to leave the sinking ship and you want to ruin everyone else’s experience with you rather than letting us leave to enjoy the game.


Please no high ping servers - PvP and raiding will be affected.

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Please allow us to transfer from Penance to Wild Growth.

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+1 hope they open transfers for penance to shadowstrike and wild growth.

You don’t speak for me. Go away clown. I want server transfers.


Agreed, open server transfers.

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For penance.

For all dying oceanic servers! Shadowstrike and penance both must be saved.


They were saved at 11 am when they didn’t open transfers.


Open transfers for both SS and Penance and don’t worry that SS will lose people because it won’t happen according to the SS “poll” that apparently saw an “overwhelming majority” vote to stay. If the poll is true, hardly anyone will leave Shadowstrike and nobody will be worse off.



Oceanic was saved at 11 am brother.

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Incorrect :grinning:

Cheers keeping the better solutions no merge thread bumped appreciate you.

Oh look, one of Elrons alts that he’s spamming the forums with. Big shock.

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Cheers for the bump.

The more people that read your nonsense, and our replies, the better!

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Hell yeah brother.

Dear Blizzard:

Despite what certain people \are attempting to claim, the majority of OCE players WANT the server transfers to happen. A vocal minority is stopping this and lying, twisting numbers and posting from multiple accounts to try to make it seem like the majority dont want FCM’s. This is demonstrably false and the MAJORITY of us would like to see the FCM’s re-enabled please.


You aren’t the majority sorry mate hope you get your penance xfer though since its dead.