[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

Yeah let them move to shadowstrike the oceanic megaserver.

Blizzard should merge Penance with Shadow Strike, and make the New Shadow Strike as PVE. easy solve the problem.
Should not really care about World PVP when there is no people playing, save the population first.
And People who wanna PVP still can play BG at least, or BRE area.
And as PVE server, no need to care about the Alliance:Horde balance


Agreed with everything except gdkps, but would rather have gdkps than high ping.

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Closed out 2 accounts already because of the prospect of US ping… hoping Elron OCE President gets a win and will re-activate.


Please just let us have the option to move to wg.

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Naturally the vocal minority are gonna complain about this because they didn’t get what they want the overwhelming majority were vocal for weeks if not months and voted to show what we want.

Ideally i want to see a solution for everyone so we can all enjoy the game but that should not be at the expense of us being offered no solution and 240ms latency.

Blizzard can do better and we want them to do better.

Thank you for at least listening to what most players wanted.


They can do better, but will they?.. no its blizzard, this will be a short lived victory for OCE players, most of the vocal minority will move to CS, play for two weeks then stop because of the lag.

edited. i was going to cancel both subs today, but they did the correct decision, once they revert and go back on it, because of the very small amount of players throwing their toys out of the pram get their way, i will cancel the subs and move on. but for now, its going to be a good night raiding on 20ms

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It’s sad that the clowns with gold fish memory have basically doomed the rest of us to sink with the ship. But it’s also sad blizzard is straight up lying to us that oce seeding technology doesn’t exist in classic when we literally have oce and us seeded bgs in classic already. Clowns on both sides.

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“boo who i didnt get what i wanted /cry” doom talk does nothing good for any one.

and yes blizzard lying? colour me surprised.

Exactly why we should continue to demand a better solution.

with Blizzard is always be careful of what you wish for…

Delete this post, this person does not speak for me. Let me play how I want to play and currently that is with 1000’s of others on an NA server. Idc about the ping or peak times as its basically impractacle to play on Penance with such low pop


Bro you can’t cry for days on end that you aren’t getting your way and then when they finally give into your foot stamping, turn around and tell me not to whinge about the decision haha.

you were crying all last week and your still crying, your pessimistic and that spreads. how about being positive?

Go play ROBLOX, you quit Shadowstrike before all this merger talk. you have no opinion

I was asking for a merge, you were crying because you didn’t want it. You got your way, I didn’t get mine. You’d still be foot stamping if you didn’t get yours. No need to act like you wouldn’t be. I would rather go play on a server that isn’t destined to die and kill off any chance of having a good oce pop down the line in the process. You on the other hand have the memory of a goldfish and already forgot that we have had this happen before and every time you morons cried about 0.2 of a second that you would never of noticed, the entire oce population has had to suffer because of it.

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You are right, not 100% people will keep playing Sod after they realize the latency and time zone issues. Players in the Australian time zone will gradually dwindle, eventually leading to a slow death.

no, i clearly have stated i would cancel my subs and leave. why would i come back on here and whinge?

Ok, so you would storm off having a temper tantrum because the “minority” of people want to leave a dying server? Why would it even effect you if such a small amount of people want to leave such a healthy server?

Let Penance people move to WG…

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