[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

Everyone i’ve spoken to is going to stay on shadowstrike they aren’t happy about this at all everyone is against the merge.

Same consensus i’ve seen is the only way people consider any merge viable is if there is oceanic seeded servers.

Very disappointing on blizzards part.

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Bumping because oceanic matters.

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This wont happen, they are staying silent on purpose.

they will leave the xfers open then when people panic move, the server pop will already be in a point of Decline.

most of the servers Top Raiding Discords said they wont remain on a Dead server even if they have to suffer horrible Ping.

but they are all under the same guise that if it wasnt offered theyd still be happy.

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The Oceanic community has provided “Strong Feedback” as requested now its your turn to listen.


Podcast talking about the oceanic situation .

Starts about 1 hour 26 mins into it.

https ://open.spotify.com/show/38mHWjscNorJr7OFeNu8X5

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Waiting for a response before transfers open.

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Lol the funniest solution in this post is opening free transfers to shadowstrike. Who in their right mind is transferring to a dying server. And then bonus points to the opening penance transfers option. I bet we’ll be getting queues once the 20 people on penance move to shadowstrike hahahha

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Would be nice, but unlikely they will oblige :frowning:
no movement on the X post that guy did either asking. Many response from people, none from them. Sadge.

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Just need to keep bumping the post until we get a response.

Keeping this at the top until we get a response.

they wont,

they will allow guilds to mass exodus off, then say the server population doesnt warrant keeping it going, we are locking it down.

they have already shown thats the plan by ignoring what the OCE community wants.

there wont be an update before the transfers become live, that way the damage can be done, and there wont be a way back.

the Auction house on Shadowstrike has already been stripped badly, in preperation for the move.

Bump for an updated.

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Waiting for an update for oceanic.

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This game is borderline fun on 20ms let alone 200. check ya head bliz


I won’t be playing on 200 plus ping been there done that back in the day.

Might try cata but more likely just stop at this point.


Blizzard : We want your feedback.
Blizzard : We will ignore your feedback.
Blizzard : Thank you for your feedback we are going ahead anyway.


They haven’t ignored my feedback, i’m hoping we move !

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40+ posts on this 218 post thread are from the same angry individual.

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Cheers for the bump and trying to support your own region getting killed.