Oceanic Realms Broken - Merged with US Battlegroup (Lag)

L2 play with 200 ms like we’ve been doing for 15 years.

horde bg queues are over 20 min each now im rerolling #forthealliance


I’m not sure if I understand how you have this problem? If I queue for Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin, and Warsong Gulch - by the time I complete one BG the next one pops instantly.

We’re on the same faction and server, have you not tried queuing for all three BG’s?

I thought this was common practice.

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not working like that today bud after update

wat, unsure how anyone can support the drive for 200ms.

We were fine without this change.

Seriously, pvp just like it was in retail because some guy who is so bad he literally can’t tell the difference between 10 and 200ms when he is playing makes these decisions. The true TBC experience. Ruining arenas in the arena expansion, that’ll generate subs!



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your 1k thats why you dont notice it

Is this carte blanche for me to just stop caring and leech from bg’s while i do more important tasks on my main account?

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If we continue to make the same mistakes retail made, we will just end up with retail.


Hi, can anyone point me to where i purchase the PvP Latency Pass?


Did they look at Felstriker and assume that’s the Oceanic population?

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Careful, the logical fallacy crusaders will be on you with comments like that.

As to the thread: this really sucks for the Oceania pvpers. That much latency would make anybody give up.

People played tbc arena pvp in tiny single server populations for a decade (and consistently crushed multiglads on the beta) and you’ve got some probably reasonably intelligent people in here trying to use the small population argument anyway, weird.

we want pvp latency pass now or riot!!

I’m an Oceania pvper and this is a welcome change for most players here. It was a nightmare trying to find matches before the merge. The outcry you’re witnessing here is from toxic players who would abuse our low population by running constant premades to farm easy honor. They spent so many years stomping through pugs with next to no competition and now they’re afraid to face the outside world.


For BGs as a horde player this is a net positive. The queues were god awful, I had rerolled because of them. But now can return.

I’m sorry you can’t get queues at level 35, but we’re focusing on max level players here

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these flogs :rofl:

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Oh deary me Blizzard talk about being tone deaf to your audience. Oceanic was doing just fine without this change. No one wants to play against Americans with 200ms, I’d rather deal with a longer queue.