A much higher likelihood of Oceanic players being able to meaningfully compete for end-of-season rewards.
hahahahahaahahahahahahaha… hahahahaahahahahaha… wait?.. ahahahahaha
A much higher likelihood of Oceanic players being able to meaningfully compete for end-of-season rewards.
hahahahahaahahahahahahaha… hahahahaahahahahaha… wait?.. ahahahahaha
Yeah I already felt dirty giving them money… Now this.
In arena horde do fight horde and alliance fight alliance. Not sure what you mean by this.
WTF. Really? This literally might be the final straw for me. Although its not perfect, at least retail uses a system that attempts to find OCE arena games for a few minutes before then extending the range to US games if there are no suitable teams queuing in OCE. Even this is a huge disadvantage as an OCE player, but at least a game every now and then isn’t disgusting ping… But if this is just lumping us in 100% of the time to US games, I think I, and a whole bunch of others are done with this game.
There was a topic a few weeks ago where someone stated that there were no ABs running anymore and it was only WSG and WSG was only ever against sweaty premades.
I think I responded with others and said things will pick up with TBC, just be patient, people will need marks.
There have been multiple topics spanning months stating AV does not run on OCE except on AV weekends.
Did these topics cause this? I don’t know. I don’t agree personally especially since they are including arenas where latency is even more important.
If this was already mentioned in one of the other 200 posts I apologize.
They neglected to think that people in OCE don’t play the same hours as NA making the whole thing not only destructive to the PVP community overall but absolutely pointless also.
I feel bad for Kaivax having to deliver this news.
If he was a horse, he’d be paste by now.
Since us OCE players didn’t ask for this can you guys just thrust 300ms patching back on the NA population so it’s fair? That or revert this change.
RIP to everyone who boosted a melee for arena
Hope he knows that the wrath is not directed at him… but the bad choices made by Blizz… (not a personal attack)
How do you reply to a player with arugal in his name and say this lol
Playing as we speak. You can definitely feel it. I play ranged, and it bothers me, this is going to be very interesting for melee.
except your server name isn’t in your name.
Have you played this morning? It’s literally like being back in TBC ping and all.
Last night was fine, this morning is a dumpster fire. As meelee you can’t hit an american if they get behind you as the server doesn’t react fast enough to put your facing correctly.
This is a painfully stupid decision and I hope you all reverse it.
Sorry you’re getting the brunt of this as the messenger. I’d imagine you haven’t had the cleanest past couple weeks.
Could we please get atleast an acknowledgement that this change is going to be re-looked at? it’s really not a good one.
A much higher likelihood of Oceanic players being able to meaningfully compete for end-of-season rewards.
If this was the reasoning then please revisit. I’m 4 days out from releasing with a rogue main and now i basically have to reroll because melee is now unplayable
Honesty i am considering charging back my purchase of the digital deluxe edition. Over this. I’m aware that it will probably permanently lock my account which I ha e had since 2005 and am some what attached to.
I came back to this game in legion because I heard that they made servers in the oce region, because I hated playing with 200-300 ms and I won’t do it agian.
I have solo queued bgs this whole expac ( yea yea ) and loved it.
I really really wanted to play arena on a competitive ping.
I still remember one druid trying to fake cast on me in season 3, he faked his cast 3 times and got spell locked from the pummel I tried on his first cast. That isn’t competitive and I don’t want to play this.
With your changes to the rating system and requirements and now this i think I am done.
Yes it is, read it in the reply box
I’ve played 10+ bgs this morning without any lag, as melee. Probably would have had 2 games in that timeframe usually. But my country doesn’t have third world internet so bad luck I guess
I am wonder why people don’t realize this. When it comes to arena, having Oceanic vs only Oceanic = like 4 servers worth of players to compete against. Not only do this make que times worse, it makes the competition less. You may have players playing on oceanic servers just trying for r1 titles even with the pings being higher for them.
There are 34 NA servers worth of players competing for R1 titles. EU I believe already deals with different ping rates. Pretty sure players in England play against players in Russia don’t they? Don’t retail Oceanic servers already play against NA servers in arena?
To me, having only Oceanic servers play against each other is crap, because all the best arena players will be playing on NA servers anyway. But then you will have people bailing for Oceanic servers, and like I said ping rates be damned trying for those R1 titles on those servers and dodging the best competition.
Blizzard is really pissing people off every single day with something new, it’s actually crazy.
I appreciate you bumping the thread, but I’m not sure what you are talking about. If you are playing out of AUS/NZ this change has a negative impact on ping in arenas and battlegrounds by a factor of 10.