Oceanic Realms Broken - Merged with US Battlegroup (Lag)

I am in the same boat, and I agree! I can only play 5-6am 3-4 nights a week. So I welcome the BG change! However I appreciate my performance in BGs will be dampened, and I accept it. I still think for arena it should be seperate, even though I won’t have time to commit to arena. I love pvp and don’t won’t to see hamstrung performances (due to this change) in the more competitive environment.



Classic + TBCC is nowhere near a million subs.

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You speak the truth my man. And I am from NA but you spit facts sir.



This is a horrible change. Sure leave it in for quicker bg queues but handicap the OCE players by 200-300ms in rated arena is a big no no. The fact that retail runs like this is a big reason why there is a minimal amount of oce representation in arena.

Hurr durr blizzard. Guess I’ll just got brr in kara for the entire time I planned on doing arena


Why is that?

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This is so far from the truth, how can it be better playing at 200ms? In what universe does this logic come from?

I am sick to death of Blizz thinking they know what is best when they are showing complete lack of competence in handling of WoW the past 5 years. I stopped playing PvP, BGs in retail due to the lag and ping times, now you’re forcing this crap again in TBCC. Who is running this show to make such irresponsible decisions? Oce should be it’s own battlegroup for Classic servers.

If these changes stay in will call it quits for good on WoW all together, as I don’t play retail.


8AM NZ, 6AM Sydney, 4AM Perth.

Boy, when Oceania wakes up over the next few hours and reads the news - these forums are going to be piled with rage.

The beast is still asleep, and unaware of what they’re about to wake up and read…


My god please revert this, who in their right mind thinks giving us 200+ Ping improves our PvP Quality of Life??


Wow… I cant believe blizzard decided to perform this game breaking change, ruining pvp for the entire oceanic community with absolutely no consultation during US hours e.g the middle of the night for oceanic, quite literally showing how little consideration they actually give to oceanic players or our community… Oceanic players do not want this you have quite literally ruined pvp for us forcing us to fight against US players with no lag on 200-300 MS lag, I havent cancelled my sub since classic launch but I will be cancelling it today, because of this absolutely terrible decision.


As someone who played on naughty servers for a few years leading up to classic, one of the biggest reasons why I went to play on classic was so I could play at 30ms instead of being in the hundreds.
With this change, and alllllllll the other garbage changes, it’s making less sense for me to even play classic tbc and just go back to the naughty servers :thinking:


75 active WSG games and the q is still 18 minutes Horde side, what did this do other than feed us 200ping games?


I’m only about 10 post in and laughing. Can’t wait to finish reading this gem. Guess when I get a chance latter to log in I can experience the fun for myself.

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you guys are dilusional if you think they made this change because of “the greather good according to them”, they only did it to cut costs on the oce server upkeep and maintence. You see, they wanna have the least amount of costs possible and having servers outside of usa and Europe probably hurt their multimillionare wallets.


Seems like this change is just to make OCE farmable in arenas and bgs…


bro whyd u copy my character model

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Not gonna lie, I thought his post earlier was being made by you.


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so then server transfer to east coast from west?

Lol gg killed the game :+1:


Leave Oceanic alone!


Nobody in Oceanic asked for this change and I’m honestly disappointed this even was considered, the whole reason we play on Oceanic is to avoid having ping in PvE and PvP and you went and did this? Smh, you really can’t do anything right when it comes to TBC Classic…

At least make a button that can enable and disable queueing for non-oceanic battlegroups…