Oceanic Realm Connections for PvP Matchmaking in WoW Classic

You are probably right. It will still be quite interesting to see what affect this has on TBC’s pvp for Oceanic. May be a good thing, who knows?

Anyhow, I hope everyone who loves pvp enjoys it in TBC. Arenas will certainly make that part of the game more interesting.

My prediction is in 1-2 months:

  • The queues are dead for high rated arena.
  • All you have is rating sitters and/or wintraders for the top spots.
  • There is no BGs going outside of the BG weekend one & the highest hp/h bg outside of weekend.

The people protesting the hardest right now have already quit (like they did in classic) and we have a dead PvP scene and the people remaining are annoyed that they don’t even get to PvP.

Blizz then re-merges us for 2nd season.


Thank you Blizzard for listening to us! I will now be resubbing and telling my friends to come back for low latency arena! 1 step in the right direction Blizzard well done, now just give Oceania our own region with customized rules to scale pvp rewards with the smaller population. Thanks

on the topic of merged BG queues, imagine keeping them merged for below lvl 70 is something we would all welcome. I doubt there have been more than a dozen pre60 bgs on OCE servers in the past 12 months.

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I would not be at all surprised if you are right.

The blue post did say:

So I guess they will be watching with interest as well…

Go away troll

Stop trolling. Queue times went up with this merge.

This will more likely happen come s3, but what if I told you these things happen to every region at the top end regardless of where you are in the world? The tail end of a distribution curve always forms the same shape regardless of the population size.

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Very reasonable compromise tbh

Anyone there at HQ looking into fixing honor yet? Or did you guys just say to heck with it?

Thankyou for listening to what the community wants on this one blizzard. It would’ve really put a dampen on my TBC hype.

Next time, please consult the community on something like this.

I still don’t think the answer to this would be to make it cross-region and subject those at the top to insufferable/unplayable lag at those high ratings.

Make OCE it’s own region and implement rating decay above a certain rating would be a far better solution for instance. There are many other solutions that do not involve the lag-fest.

Good for you, no one asked though. See you next Tuesday!

It can’t be overstated how important this is, especially for Arena.

Anyone who is making a case internally for having Oceanic players play on US based server hardware should (if they play at a high enough level to notice) have to play Arena on 200 ping for a week!

Gamers from this part of the world go to great lengths, spending hundreds of dollars, to get lower ping. It matters so much for competitive play. Anything over 50 ping really isn’t going to be workable.

The only way this would be acceptable is if you hardware forced everyone to 200 ping to even the playing field. If you force people on 200 ping to face people on 50 ping, you’re not doing it for anything other than to save money on servers, it’s in no way a better experience for Oceanic players.

Thank you for reverting the change, and please don’t force us back onto 200 ping.

Re-subbed x2

The collective power of OCE and Aussie Consumer Law rights wins. Having a larger pool of players is commendable, find a way to do it without introducing unnecessary lag on either end and you’ll be right.
Thanks for the change!

If they wanted oce to have access to a higher player pool in pvp they should have only connected us to west coast servers. The 150ms you get when playing west coast is manageable. Its when you get placed on east coast servers with 200-350ms that everything becomes a horrible lagfest.

Thank you, please consider us with future changes

Thank you for listening.

Thanks a lot!