[Oceanic] Open transfers to Shadowstrike (Help penance go to wildgrowth or shadowstrike)

You’re insufferable lol. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is apparently not an oceanic player?

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could say the same about you?, atleast we are staying on the server we are fighting for? not like some

You’re fighting for an extremely stupid cause. We have literally seen this happen on som already. Plus with tbc arenas and BG’s. People crying so incredibly hard about miniscule ping then the population not being big enough to sustain and then reverting the change back, whilst losing a lot of players in the interim because they don’t have anything to do in game. You’re literally fighting to lose more oceanic players to the point that eventually when you are inevitably forced to move to us because there isn’t a big enough population, there won’t be any oceanic players left playing for you to form raids with. It’s like you all have the memory of a goldfish. It’s actually insane you people fight for the exact same thing over and over and over again and we get the exact same outcome every time. Smoothest brains out deadset.


tell me you’re a caster main without telling me you’re a caster main. smooth brain would be complementing you… go roll a warrior or rogue and pvp with that “minminiscule ping”… NVM you dont pvp so you actually have no “real world” experience in relation to ping.

Make it a PVE ruleset and it might be worth talking about.
I have zero desire to transfer to a PVP server.
I would prefer to go to a populated PVE server even if the ping is higher.

Classic response. You have no rebuttal so instead you just start talking about something completely irrelevant. How exactly is this going to play out differently to the last 3 times we asked for the same thing?

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Flawed logic again,
Blizzard announced transfers and people who were happy with the decision said nothing because it was a decision already made.
When Blizzard backflip 5 minutes before it goes live there is uproar and hundreds of posts wanting transfers reinstated.
The majority are speaking now - be brave and listen. Those who cried out last week were the minority who “conned” Blizzard with bumped posts and polls.
I’ve even seen members of your own guild posting in favor of transfers, what does that say.


I’m not interested in pvp and I don’t need to be. That’s why I rolled on Penance.
How dies the offer of choice in transfers affect you if you don’t transfer yourself - oh yes less people to gank


He already said himself he would quit instead of transfering. He just wants to force people to play with him before he quits playing anyway.


oh god they are multiplying! a Penence player commenting on SS PVP server post and a non SS player (Craz)

Please give us OCE seeded instances and allow us to merge with Crusader Strike ! ! ! !


I can comment wherever I want and as often as I like just so many other people have done before me. Stay humble, friend.


Everyone who didn’t vote for the merge singlehandedly killed OCE, thanks for holding us hostage on this dying planet


Best situation honestly.

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Agreed, I whole heartedly hate GDKPs but the unfortunate thing is that they work and get people leveling alts and playing more often, a necessary evil so to speak to have a bussling population on the server. I would say unbanning GDKPs will be in the best interest for SOD.
Free Penance please Blizz!


Your solutions blizzard have said they wont do. Stay if you want. Apparently so many want to stay. It wont matter if people who want leave go


They don’t want to let us leave for some bizarre reason even though the “vast majority” are going to stay regardless. Their arguments make no sense. Apparently the server is healthy and hardly anyone wants to leave so if we get the option to leave it won’t effect them anyway… Unless of course they are fully aware shadowstrike is dying and are making up a false argument to prevent people from leaving because they know that shadowstrike is already dying.


Hey fkround wipe your lip you left something of elrons on it


We need a decision on the FCM offering for the Oceanic server: Penance (AU)

There is a massive issue stemming from the blue post that updated us players on FCMs:
“Oceanic servers are currently planned to be included in this FCM offering… The Oceanic PvE realm no longer sustains actual group play… we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times…”

Because of this, entire guilds were ready to transfer when they became available, only to have this update given at the time transfers were scheduled to begin.

It makes sense why our players were not pounding the forums. We read the blue post and understood that the current plan was for transfers to take place today. Had the developers’ change in thinking and decision to cancel FCMs for OCE been communicated at any time before the transfer window opened we would have had a chance to be on the forums earlier.

Please communicate your decision for our characters.

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Shadowstrike and the oceanic community support you having transfers to shadowstrike or wild growth.

Hopefully blizzard see penance is beyond savable where as shadowstrike an entirely different situation and do not lump us together.