[Oceanic] Open transfers to Shadowstrike (Help penance go to wildgrowth or shadowstrike)

The Penance solution is simple. Open transfers to Wild Growth. If you want to keep fighting for SS based on what you believe to be right; then do that. But it has nothing to do with Penance.

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i generally stay clear of the trash on here, but i made the effort to get on here to voice the concerns over the xfer and blizz killing the the OCE servers. but people were told about the merges that could’ve got on here last week like i and Many others did and have their say, i just find it bs that they didn’t care enough to voice their concerns until they didn’t get what they wanted.

why don’t you want to go to SS? being serious, what is it thats the issue is it the PVP? because thats only in BRM and its soo rare now its not funny, most people ignore each other unless some one starts it. i was doing the BRM event across multiple toons daily and its a rare nowadays to get greifed, i wont lie it happens but its generally because some one starts it.

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For me it’s because it is another OCE realm. I want the best chance to continue playing my Horde character and will choose the most populated server at this stage. The SOD realms will not grow and Shadowstrike is still low.

Also the PvP tag. I already rerolled from Shadowstrike in an earlier phase.

if he had used “We” you would have had a cry about him speaking for you. smooth brain


They will move goal posts and complain about anything i say i could say the skies blue and they’d find a way to argue about it.

Not a single soul is transfering off of a US realm to play on shadowstrike that is very clearly dying. Getting 100 players from penance is not going to save shadowstrike either. You are beyond delusional if you think any of these ideas are going to turn shadowstrike into an “oceanic mega server”.


why are you here? didnt you reroll on CS like a month ago? let the people that play on SS comment

I am here because I play on shadowstrike and I don’t want to be on a dying server with minimal groups going. Even at peak times there is barely anything happening on the server. It’s a joke you clowns are forcing us to stay there with you.


What, you think there’s that many players on penance?

True… I was being generous to the shadowstrike captors that are holding the population hostage.


I don’t think anyone on Shadowstrike cares what Penance does as long as it doesn’t affect Shadowstrike.

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I personally just want to be allowed to leave a dying server (shadowstrike) before it is in the same position as penance, which should be allowed to transfer off penance.


We don’t care about what you personally want the overwhelming majority voiced there feedback and blizzard listened.

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Why are you so adamantly against such a small amount of players leaving such a healthy server?


Lets us Penance pve players move to WG

Why are you so adamantly against oceanic players getting offered a better solution and not having shadowstrike killed with character creation locks / transfers ?

You aren’t an oce player that’s your answer so you are biased.

We’ve explained our situation and what the compromise is.

Answer the question. Why are you so adamantly against such a small minority of players leaving the server? Especially off of such a healthy server according to you. And do you seriously believe anyone is going to transfer to shadowstrike? That is peak levels of delusion… This is the guy you’re catering to blizzard…


I did i said you are not part of the oceanic community if you are advocating for its destruction.


but you dont play on Shadowstrike… so move on

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