Oceanic heroic only guilds

Hi, just wondering what guilds are out there that only raid normal and heroic that I could please check out. Thanks

Hi there! What are you looking for in a guild outside of just heroic only raiding? There’s certainly plenty of them around, it’s just the matter of knowing which one might fit you best. =)

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Thanks for the reply. I do prefer a more casual laid back environment. Not to say I don’t plan to show, just that sometimes life happens. Heroic just allows a lot more flexibility with the raid schedule.

Thanks, unfortunately I think NZ time would not work for me. But I do appreciate the reply.

No problemos! You might like to perhaps take a peak at our post if you’d be open to a server transfer?

Hi Satrix

Bin Chickens is a heroic only guild on Aman Thul as well. You are welcome to join us for to test the waters.

More in the link


We are a heroic only guild, but we have just recently thought to do the first boss on mythic, will continue to do that boss + trash up to Jade Masters for the boe’s. We’ve cleared Normal but don’t do it anymore our focus is to clear heroic and then push a bit each more from week to week.

For contact and more info check here: