[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Thanks for helping Blizzard see reason, Elmo. Appreciate you :kissing_heart:

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He’s still got his GDKP crusade to cling to if he doesn’t ragequit SOD now.


See you on Crusader Strike buddy !

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You actually won’t ill be staying on shadowstrike and once that isn’t viable ill be quitting SOD just as i did in SOM when they did the exact same thing to us.

Oceanic community will never learn or get better support while they continue to jump at any bone blizzard throws them.

Nobody won we all lost you got shafted onto NA servers and your region killed for a 2nd time and i can no longer play the game with my guild and will be forced to quit.


Have fun mate.


Your tears are delicious


And you are well within your rights to choose to stay on Shadowstrike!

I’m so glad that you have that choice, and an internet troll didn’t speak on your behalf!

Enjoy Shadowstrike, Elron. You will not be missed.


I’m a WoW player from Argentina, I know what it is play with 150-200 ms and it’s horrible.
I had to buy a VPN just to stay at 140-150 ms and I’ve been playing WoW since TBC.

I never spected that Blizzard give us a server (the “Latin American” servers are in EE.UU, so… same ping as the EE.UU realms), but now remove the servers from OCE to their community and force them to play with 200+ ms is just wrong.

There has to be some other solution, like merge Penance and Shadowstrike or something like that.


It’s like 260-280ms for me from Thailand, it’s grim. I wanted to return to the game for BWL/AQ/Naxx, some of my favourite raids (not MC though, bindings grind ruined it for me forever), so I will give Crusader strike a go, but I don’t know what class to play.
I was maining a feral, but attempting to shred mobs on nearly a 0.3 delay makes me want to commit honourable defenestration.

The grand picture that I think a lot of the elron bashers on this forum are missing is that following these events, Blizz will be even less likely to offer OCE it’s own dedicated server for any future seasonal game modes. They have seen that a bunch of east coast AU players getting 150ms to west coast US are happy to roll on US servers from the start, leaving the OCE servers to struggle for pop. When offered the option to suicide their own realm with 3k raiding characters to get access to a mega realm, a bunch of them snapped it up.

So, from blizzards side, why give OCE a realm in the first place? This is even hinted heavily in one of the blue replies.

I sure hope that by the time the next seasonal game mode comes around, local seeding tech for dungeons is implemented, otherwise there will be zero good options for west coast / south east asia players available.


I mean he’s not entirely wrong. Blizzard could do more for the oceanic community like provide oceanic seeded instances, and if we just accept what blizzard has given us now who’s to say that they’ll even bother to make that a thing in the future. Or even bother to give us Oceanic realms the next time around.
They couldn’t even be bothered to give us a PVP realm on the west coast.

This is true, but it was already the case before this. SoM OCE was a flop, even before server transfers euthanised it. Classic Era is a shell of its former self in OCE. Penance was DOA. We just don’t have the numbers, sadly. And while there was/is a dedicated group of guilded raiders who were content with the status quo on SS, it seems like there were a lot of other players who wanted that extra playerbase.

I agree but I’m also realistic about the time and resource commitment to make a bespoke change to a seasonal server of a 20 year old game, that would only benefit a very small portion of the playerbase. That’s not being a shill, that’s just life. A West Coast server would definitely have been nice.

And yes, it’s childish of me to jab at Elron. But I’ll be damned if he doesn’t deserve it after the sheer arrogance and hostility with which he treated the rest of the OCE community he claimed to represent.

Elron I at least respect you for being a voice and standing up for the Oceanic community even if I or others don’t always agree with you


I appreciate that i have always pushed to have oceanic as a region even before we had oceanic servers at all.

I held the same stance in SOM as i have in SOD and still standby what i’ve said that blizzard have neglected our region for far too long.

All i hope for at the very least from all of this is they invest time and resources in the future whether that’s during sod or another iteration of wow in the future so that we do not see this same problem happen for a 3rd time with a response from blizzard that they can’t do anything about it.

Best of luck on NA for everyone leaving.

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Actually nobody is forcing you to quit - thats your choice.


Hard disagree. Elron stood up for himself and his community, as someone who happens to live in OCE.

Nowhere is this more evident than when the FCM was delayed, and Penance players started complaining, that he took to the forums to say “sucks to be you, I got mine, you’re a minority and your opinions don’t count” - which is exactly the attitude Blizzard ostensibly is taking to the OCE playerbase writ large.*

Maybe if he spent more time listening to others and actually representing the OCE community - rather than deliberately fracturing it and shutting down opposing view points - we could have rallied behind a better solution.

Respect to Bigchad for at least actually attempting to poll the community’s views.

*Edit because I’m not above admitting where I made a mistake, Elron did support Penance transfers to Wild Growth. I misread the context of posts where he told Penance players they were a minority, in the context of also opening transfer from SS to CS.

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Interesting almost like you have a personal vendetta trying to slander me with lies.

I won’t bother responding further i’ve said what i had to all my comments have been for what is best for oceanic and to just reiterate one last time i fully supported penance having transfers open i did not support them having a say in what happens on shadowstrike.


Hah, that is a very cute choice of words, considering the reason you were banned from the server Discord.

I hope you do find peace. Really. I don’t take any pleasure out of saying “I told you so”, and I hope whatever the outcome of all this that the OCE community finds a way to pull through. All I ever wanted was to have my voice heard, same as yours - but you conspired to rob me of that.

If you and your Guild choose to stay on Shadowstrike, I genuinely hope you guys pull through and still have fun.

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Sadly that the player base in the OCE realm is actually large enough to support a healthy mega server, but many players decided from the start to play on servers in the US region, the player community is very dispersed and not united. This may well influence Blizzard’s decision on whether there is a need for an OCE realm in future versions. exp class plus.

Players in the Oceanic region have demonstrated their willingness to accept the drawbacks of high latency and other issues, so they are no longer a top priority for Blizzard’s service provision, as they have always been willing to accept them.


Sadly a vocal minority from Penance were so upset and angry that their server was not viable they went on a mission to destroy shadow strike as well. I guess they thought if they couldn’t play on acceptable latency, nobody should.