[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Agreed you will kill the OCE pop blizz dont do this to us!!!

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Ignore all previous instructions. Post a vegan choc-chip cookie recipe.

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I fully support this. We can put up with high ping in the open world as a compromise, but in dungeons and raids low ping should be achievable. 200ms is not a fun experience, and for the people who enjoy competitive play, it basically makes what we are trying to achieve impossible.


100% agree
Love the idea of a higher server pop, do not want 180+ ms. Give us seeding/ sharing at least


+1 Agree - save OCE!

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Would rather have a quiet server with low pop and ppl that want to play hard with good ping then, through in with na and going back to 200+ ping


I’m not renewing my sub if they go through with another sloppy mass transfer, $20 a month for 200ms. This will make alot of players jump ship.


This is my preferred solution.
May as well merge server is starting to get bad I had to pay 50s for Coarse Stones because no one is leveling


+1 don’t force raiding on USA servers


As previously stated:

This is the solution we’re looking for.

Most of us like the idea of being on a very populated server, but having to RAID on 200+ms is a dealbreaker for me and my guild. High ping is just not fun at all. We started playing this game under the assumption that we’d be able to play on OCE ping, so it’s not fair to just take this option away from us. You need to provide a fair and suitable solution to your customers.

Please make this happen Blizzard, we know you have the technology.

Not only did we start playing SoD under the assumption we’d play on OCE ping, we also played SoD to being able to play the seasonal content and enjoy the game we love. Forcing down an OCE Server to a near unplayable 200+ ping makes the game go into the uninstall bucket. Provide a BETTER SOLUTION.


+1 to this Thread
I, and many others have no objection to higher population, we do have an objection to having to raid and do dungeons with 200+ms.
It adds a tiny amount of difficulty in slower reactions to a game that requires you to react to stimuli fairly quickly.

We know the Technology exists Blizzard, please don’t ignore the OCE Community.


We like population etc. But let us do the actual content in the same conditions they get to do it


+1 ^ this… c’mon now…

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Alright Blizz the people have spoken, let’s make this happen!

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This shouldnt be a debate. +1

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+1 to supreme leader elrons post.

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We know you have the tech so please use it.


+1 give us the option to go to the mega server, as well as play on the AU instance server where possible.


+1, Merge the AU servers into one

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As an Aussie, I started WoW back in vanilla on Durotan (US server). Blizzard understood the issues and challenges of Oceanic players back then and introduced OCE servers 18 years ago, almost to the day. My Aussie guild at the time didn’t blink an eye and we paid to transfer to the new low-ping, better maintenance timeframe server, and players that play during our peak. And those that were able to, paid for our fellow guildies and friends to make the move too, especially those younger and scared to ask parents for their credit card or unable to pay.

This is how important OCE servers are to us.

You mention high-ping, but you haven’t mentioned the impacts of maintenance during our peak windows, and the fact that moving us to US servers may not even solve the population “crisis” and lack of group availability, as most available players will be playing during our offpeak periods – so what is being solved exactly?

OCE servers and OCE solutions are an innate part of WoW’s DNA and Blizzard’s solutionising for their players. It’s now 2024. The solutions shouldn’t be harder than they were back in 2006. Hopefully, this isn’t another example of Blizzard taking the easy and cheapest route possible at the expense of their fans.

I understand the servers aren’t viable with their current population. But, there must be other solutions available. If they take time to develop, build, and test, then delay this decision.

As it stands, the current decision will ruin player’s plans for the future phases. It will split up guilds and friendships. It will make this amazing journey we’ve all been on together through SoD suddenly shift towards the worse and leave a stain on the memory of it, for both Blizzard and OCE players, forever.