[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

I don’t have to force anything i am absolutely destroying any kind of arguement you propose in a public forum and making you look like a fool.

All you can do is shout democracy but you can’t address anything that i’ve said.

Maybe you should consider that i did exactly that 2 years ago in this exact same situation the only difference was back then they didn’t stop the transfers and they killed the entire oceanic community forced us to NA and most people quit.


This problem has been around for many many years blizzard keep pretending like it hasn’t and its a new issue they intentionally do nothing about it nor will they invest any time or effort because people like you who are happy to just accept the worst option offered.

Maybe consider for a second other people as well that we play the game differently too we play to be competitive and we chose to play on oceanic you wanting transfers directly kills our server you can talk all the rubbish you want saying its optional blizzard themselves said if they open transfers and lock character creation it will kill the oceanic region.

Blizzard is ultimately responsible for all of this i understand your side you understand my side i want both sides to agree that blizzard needs to do better for everyone and provide a better solution that don’t screw some people and not others.