[OCE] OK, really though - let's merge OCE back into a US battlegroup

community wants this community wants that
there is a reason blizzard does not bother reading this forums

Couldn’t agree any more strongly - just make it the same as retail where we have Oceanic servers, we queue verse oceanic players in BG’s and Arena for a small period, then if there is not a viable match, expand the queue to include US teams and host the arena or battleground instance server on US west… this is only 150ms and is TOTALLY playable.

I’m on the same boat as everyone above, I have 4 geared toons I want to crank arena on but only being able to play in a small window when my family are around and active makes it so hard. Will be dropping back to 1 account if something doesn’t change.

For those saying ‘just transfer to US servers’ the issue then is it puts you on US east servers too which is 300+MS and that is quite rough to play on tbh.




Dearest Ehila,

I’m going to mansplain this as simply as possible for you. Let’s say this change goes ahead and make a simple pro’s and con’s list for you on how this will impact you.

pro : healthier ratings due to having a larger pool size
pro : more title slots, encouraging more people to queue
pro : shorter queues encouraging more OCE players to play so there’s more people to vs OCE vs OCE

con : you might have to re-queue before 5 minutes if you ABSOLUTELY don’t want to vs 140ms US-W players

Don’t hold us ransom in a weak dying battlegroup for your own personal short sighted thoughts on things just because you’re getting hot queues at low ratings. You got upset about “WE” but that kind of weak thinking got us into this mess in the first place.

Every competent pvper is begging for this, if only you understood you can benefit from the system and never be placed in a higher ping environment, we’d all be in a happier place.

Please use all of your brain on how this MAY benefit you (see: free rating inflation for 1650 rings). Don’t just auto reply angry disagreeing.

Lovingly yours,
barely pvp active mediocre Jolio

Do it or you and your 2 glaives will be distracted off more EOTS bridges


Evidently they do, they backpeddled on the change the first time thanks to discord ping spamming political leader Elron (I believe he’s xfered off to US due to stale queues now).

I don’t believe they’ll change it again after all the backlash, sadly. But for the sake of numbers +1 please allow our weak rmt driven battlegroup to join a healthier pool for queues inflation and higher player involvement. thanx

Yay people looking up people’s ratings to attack them, you are clever. But next time be correct.

Also alt more you muppet.

Also yay my previous seasons, like people didnt do arena only for points.

But agian this isnt about my ratings or any of that.

It couldn’t be simpler, if you want the us brackets go play on a us server, no one will miss you random alt person.

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So if you only arena for points, what impact would having some games on US have? None.


It’s a popular naming convention to put ‘not’ before your toons name.

Hope this helps.

+1 for the merge. would be nice to be able to queue into more than 1-2 teams and outside of peak hours.


+1 for merge. I hate having to schedule a ‘game night’ away from the fam just to get points. I’m in no means the best pvper but I’d love to have a larger pool and have the ability to arena during the day instead of specific nights

+1 to the merge, I want to be able to have faster queues week round.

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Just as long as we don’t get LFD merged into the US when we get it (because we will). I don’t want to deal with Americans I can’t murder.

You just confirmed you did it for points. Then ping doesn’t matter, bugger off and shut up.

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Also you are a moron, hope you go the way of tidy and disappear forever.

All good. Yea I get the PvP ques suck. Ya think BG ques would be better, but they are horrible as well. Merging the battlegroups would really help, but blizz needs to ensure the servers have a really good connection to each other.

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It’s how retail currently works, so they’ve got it pretty well nailed - just need to use the same system in classic.


Yea most of the time in retail its slower, but not game ending. Well, its OK until they pair you up with people from South America, then its total trash and unplayable. But thats Blizzards ignorance for doing so.

I would like BGs to be merged at least. Watiting 4 weeks to queue an AV is pretty bad.

The Oceanic community does not want to be merged with US realms.

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Not one of these people had a brain. Nor do any of them still play.

“we chose oce to play in a smaller group”

Na dumbass, we chose OCE because it’s where we can raid and all our friends will be because it’s our region.